Comment on General Biology Seminar 111A to be revised by Ron Stone M.D..
I am shocked that LSU’s Chairman Graham thinks that revising the Biology course material is the solution to the problem. How shallow is that type of thinking!!! Surely the course material is a reflection of the thinking of the author and therefore, the problem is the course’s author. Surely he see that. If not, there is no hope for LSU without a total change in LSU admin. starting from the board chairman down. (Quote)
Graham is a politician par excellent, so he and the Board will do nothing, unless they are forced (as backs against the wall!) as they are a major part of the LSU problem. They have allowed this problem, as well as others, to continue on without any response. As such, I personally see no hope unless Wisbey and others at LSU are removed along with Graham and the present Board. We can see they are completely incompetent.
Ron Stone M.D. Also Commented
General Biology Seminar 111A to be revised
Does anyone have a clear picture as to how we can remove the Board and President at La Sierra? This should be our primary goal if they refuse to dismiss these instructors!! (Quote)
I completely second this idea, and the sooner the better!
General Biology Seminar 111A to be revised
Jonathan Taylor, You’re absolutely correct that nothing substantial will come from Graham and the Boards’ “adjustments.” More than worthless adjustments are needed, but this will not be coming from Graham, the Board, the SECC, or the Pacific Union Conference.
General Biology Seminar 111A to be revised
Richard Myers, I will also not remain quiet, despite Shane’s constant censorship of my posts!
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Great article Sean! This guy is worshiped almost like a god on Fulcrum 7,
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Another great article Sean. Good to see some actual truthful and factual information online!
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This is the typical garbage that has been coming out of PUC for many years. People wonder why our colleges are losing students, despite the fact that we take more and more non-SDAs each year.
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The reason the LaSierra situation has gone uncorrected so long is that most of our administrators have exactly the sort of political instincts that Dan Jackson has. They are politicians and consensus builders; they want to keep the peace and make the trains run on time. But the circumstances call for men of principle, hard men who are willing to stand for the right “though the heavens fall,†i.e., regardless who is offended and loudly complains.
Dave, I agree with you. Jackson’s trying to play on “both teams” is not going to go well for him.
Unfortunately, politics is the “SOP” of many of our SDA officials, Jackson being just one. “Political instincts” are the rule, instead of actually doing what is “right” according to what we know in God’s Word.
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Shane Hilde: Think big fish: LSU or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.Graham might not have followed procedure with these men, but I don’t know what the procedure is. I’ve read what the process is in the faculty handbook, but I don’t know if that applies to administrative positions which are at will employees. If it does apply to them, then it appears the process was not followed.
Trustees book says, in 6,9,F, that the Trustes may “discontinue” virtually anyone working at the university.
Does that mean to “fire” or to “force their resignation? Seems like it does.