Comment on Adventist Review examines LSU conflict by Pastor Randy Brehms.
I am surprised and quite frankly dismayed about the “citizenship” action by LSU. Louie Bishop served me as a “bible worker” with evangelist Jack Pefly in Hayfork and Weaverville two years ago. This is a young man who already has a Bachelors degree in Business from UC Davis. His return to our schools for a pre-med and that was his reason for not continuing as a bible worker. In everything, and in all his work with me as a pastor I found his intregrity to be stellar. His family are not members of the church, and yet this young man attended AFCOE “Amazing Facts College of Evangelism” in order to share his faith. It seems that LSU doesn’t like its dirty secret being displayed to the world. Well shame on them. In observation I have seen that whatever the organization can’t control it will endeavor to distroy. Sometimes the only way accountability is forthcoming is to blow the whistle which doesn’t make anybody especially a student popular. Louie is a devout Seventh-day Adventist who is very familiar with the scientific teachings of secular institutions, having graduated from The University of California at Davis and when he found the same or similar teachings being taught at LSU as the preferred world view he was justifiably concerned. What wasn’t mentioned in the Review, was that there are current professors one of whom graduated as recently as 1994 from Southwestern Adventist University that is also teaching this material, not just a retired teacher who still has emeritis status. Louie’s concern is from direct interaction with that professor in his class, and he personally confronted him about his concerns with regards to a paper of another student that was rejected. The University acted in a punative way by putting him on “citizenship probation” how sad.
Table of Contents
Recent Comments by Pastor Randy Brehms
Former LSU student letter reveals professor’s agenda
This morning in my reading of the SOP I found the following quotation: “In the work of educating the youth in our schools, it will be a difficult matter to retain the influence of God’s Holy Spirit, and at the same time hold fast to erroneous principles. The light shining upon those who have eyes to see, cannot be mingled with the darkness of heresy and error found in many of the text-books recommended to the students in our colleges. Both teachers and pupils have thought that in order to obtain an education, it was necessary to study the productions of writers who teach infidelity, because their works contain some bright gems of thought. But who was the originator of these gems of thought?–It was God and God alone; for he is the source of all light. Are not all things essential for the health and growth of the spiritual and moral nature found in the pages of Holy Writ? Is not Christ our living head? And are not we to grow up in him to the full stature of men and women? Can an impure fountain send forth sweet waters? Why should we wade through the mass of error contained in the works of pagans and infidels, for the sake of obtaining the benefit of a few intellectual truths, when all truth is at our command? {CE 98.2} {CT 378.1}” [edit] Certainly the people who teach that which is contrary to our biblical understanding as a denomination would qualify as unbelievers.
Former LSU student letter reveals professor’s agenda
I am amazed that anyone would think that this is something that is recent, and just a witch hunt to harm innocent individuals by taking away their academic freedom, and their freedom of speech.
I also am struck by the lack of the usual negative contributors to this blog that have trashed this blog and historical Adventism. It would seem that even they have been silenced by this documented betrayal. This is not recent. This has been going on for a long time. If it has been going on for so long, then how many of our other doctrines have been tweaked to correspond with other more evangelical views? Have we been compromised in more than the creation/evolution debate? Are there other areas of our twenty eight fundamental beliefs that have been arranged to say what the reader wants to believe it says?
It is time that we studied to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. You might be surprised at how many theological issues have been swept under the carpet in the interest of unity, and pressing together. There are too many of our people who are very willing to take the word of scholars, the BRI, Doug Bachelor, Dwight Nelson, and others. This is not to imply that they teach error, but how do we know? Have we been like the Bereans who didn’t even give unlimited trust to Paul? We are under studied, and therefore ignorant of many of the current issues facing the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Just because an individual has an earned PhD in a given discipline or multiple disciplinary areas of either the bible or science means that they are to be taken as the final word on truth. You, your bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, a good concordance under the guidance of the Holy Spirit are the equal of any scholar. They have just done it longer and in perhaps a more focused way. Many academics are also more acquainted with what other academics have taught about the bible, than the scriptures themselves. They have sat at the feet of others who may or may not believe, which poses a whole other problem. Is it possible that the great shaking that is directly ahead will turn church upside down. Anything that can be shaken loose will be shaken loose. I would suggest that we get ready, because it is directly ahead.
I firmly believe in some ways not only will we have to have faith in the face of limited, or no evidence, but at the very end, we will be required to have faith in the face of contrary evidence. The final deception will be so powerful that it could deceive the very elect. We take that warning lightly at our own spiritual risk. I only pray I will not be one of those shaken out.
Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
I do not know Ted Wilson. I like what he has said before the session. Trust however is not just a word, it is something that must be earned. I don’t mean to be cynical, but I struggle with the thought of someone who has be advanced and moved into a variety of administrative positions, and who’s career has been orchestrated so as to make the position of General Conference President probable and now actual. Can anyone doubt that from the time he was a young man Elder Ted Wilson has been groomed and guided to this moment in time. I want to believe that such grooming was completely and totally at the instigation of the Holy Spirit, and not by human sources. So far it sounds good. Time will bring the truth or the lie to what has been said and proposed. I personally pray that He (Ted Wilson) is exactly what he has said he is. If he is, then we need to rejoice and be exceeding glad for he is the man we need for this hour. I will pray that he is that man, and that words will become action and reality. I would pose one question. Why is it that progressive agenda’s are always seen as forward movement, and conservative ideas and actions are always branded as witch hunts? If one’s argument cannot carry the day, then it seems that they resort to insinuation, intimidation and name calling. If a there is a witch then they need at least to be a witch somewhere else rather than in our institutions of higher learning. I would hope we can all agree to that.
LSU’s Board targets three of its members
If there is punitive measures against any board member and it should be linked to their relating vital information to those who need to know then, excuse me, the chairman of that board needs to answer to someone. I had my head Deacon come to me and made a statement how the one student should have gone to the teachers privately instead of writing a letter and spreading it everywhere. He is an elderly gentlemen who is one of my valuable right hands. However when he said this I quickly indicated to him, that the story he was relating had some serious flaws in it. Evidently he was loosely quoting something that Elder Ricardo Grahm had written in “The Recorder” I did not read the article, but Louie Bishop served as a bible instructor in my district in 2008. I found him genuine, energetic, dedicated to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and it’s “28 Fundamental Beliefs” (including #6) (which seems to escape the progressives in the church!) trained by AFCOE to be a bible instructor, and a graduate from the “University of California at Davis” with high academic honors, and outstanding athletic recognition.
And then to be accused of not being forthright with his Professors and going to them privately is just plain a lie. It was David Asserick who I very much respect that sent the letter to Jan Paulsen, Don Schneider, and Ricardo Grahm, the letter that was distributed far and near. It was David not Louie that did that. So it’s time that there was honesty. When I told my Deacon the truth, he thanked me. He says, sometimes things are so confusing. Sad but true.
Video show LSU undermining church doctrine
I hold credentials from the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and I am in good and regular standing. I am aghast at this. It is betrayal of the greatest sort. We are not just adding new understandings we are changing our world view from one concept to a totally foreign one. One that destroys the Sabbath, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s time we closed such college and let our young people attend secular institutions with a on campus SDA center. It’s cheaper, and the young people going there would have their guard up knowing they will be taught things that undermine their faith. This is unacceptable in a Seventh-day Adventist funded and operated institution of higher learning.