Science is cannot tell us or give us anything we …

Comment on PUC Professor: The Noachian Flood was just a local flood? by John Korponay.

Science is cannot tell us or give us anything we are not looking for. It can’t find something that it is not looking for because it has to come up with a test to see if the particular thing is there or not. Then based on the interpretation of the test results it can verify or deny the thing it was looking for. There is no true unbiased way of learning because we have to start with an assumption or theory to guide us and to have a base line for interpreting the evidence we find.
At the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Eve was challenged to learn by doubting the word of God. Before they would trust the source of information and were learning by faith. This is the basic principle difference between Christian education and secular education. Trying to gain knowledge by doubt or faith.
To me it seems so odd that at this time when because of science, we have more evidence than ever that evolution is practically untenable, and the world, secular and what we can refer to as Babylonian Christianity, are coming more and more to the honest conclusion of “ID”. We the people of the Book are even having to talk about such an elementary, basic straight forward Bible revelation of our origin. It seems to me, based on the admition of a number of our teachers/professors, we’ve not just become the tail but are being left behind. The people of the world are wiser than the children of God. God forbid and help us. If there was ever a need for individual and corporate repentence of our Laodician condition it is now, before it’s to late! John K.

Recent Comments by John Korponay

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine
I just viewed the presentation by Dr.Johns. It was great and actually proves to me how the cycles of seven are more proof that the Bible is literally correct in its’ chronology. So I don’t know how Dr. Johns can come to the conclusion from that, to say that the “literal approach doesn’t work in ancient thought” when practically all Hebrew scholars refer to Hebrew as being a literal, real language. The problem is that today we are more philosophical then real in our thinking and writing . That is why we find it hard to believe in a very plain “thus saith the Lord”, and start our research and study from that “revelation”.
John Korponay

Creationist students find little support from LSU
I have been following the issue for some time, about the teaching of evolution at LSU. I am very sorry that on such an obviously plain “thus saith the Lord” Biblically factual issue there is even a debate. But I want to remind everyone of what happened at the 1995 General Conference with the womens’ ordination issue.The real issue there, as a number in the denomination realized, was the authority of the word of God, or do we do what we want regardless of God’s revelation. Although the delegates voted 2 to 1 to abide by the scripture directive and not ordain women, in a slight of hand politically successful move, that vote was compromised so that everyone could do as they wished and not go against church teaching. As I remember, there was no outcry or even criticism from any leaders of the SDA denominational leadership. I believe that was a very significant final turning point for the Israel of today in turning our back on God and His word. As the very next year 1996 came on, it was very apparent at least to me that God has left the leadership of our church to their own devisings. I will not go into details here of the evidences that led to that conclusion, but my point is that in these revelations from LSU we see a little bit of the results of that fateful GC session.I might add that now we see the eminent complete withdrawal of God’s Spirit from the earth. What manner of persons aught we to be. God help us.
Brother John K.