Comment on Student reveals true intent of LSU’s biology seminar class by David Read.
Thank you, Louie! That was a powerful testimony.
My last post on this topic indicated that I thought Randal Wisbey had parsed his words carefully enough to avoid an outright lie, while still managing to give a misleading impression to the casual reader. But at that time I was aware of only the third incident Louie describes in his letter, the leaking of Dr. Greer’s lecture slides. In the first two incidents (passing out a letter at alumni weekend and passing a note to 20 of his friends and classmates) it appears that Louie was disciplined solely for sharing his concerns about LaSierra’s Darwinist agenda. Thus, Wisbey statement, “Let me assure you and your readers that La Sierra University never, ever disciplines a student for expressing and upholding Adventist beliefs” is just an outright lie. In fact, they did discipline Louie for expressing and upholding Adventist beliefs.
Wisbey should be fired for such a public and widely circulated lie. But things are far from what they “should be” at LaSierra, or else the situation would not have gotten this far out of hand.
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Recent Comments by David Read
The Reptile King
Poor Larry Geraty! He can’t understand why anyone would think him sympathetic to theistic evolution. Well, for starters, he wrote this for Spectrum last year:
“Christ tells us they will know us by our love, not by our commitment to a seven literal historical, consecutive, contiguous 24-hour day week of creation 6,000 years ago which is NOT in Genesis no matter how much the fundamentalist wing of the church would like to see it there.”
“Fundamental Belief No. 6 uses Biblical language to which we can all agree; once you start interpreting it according to anyone’s preference you begin to cut out members who have a different interpretation. I wholeheartedly affirm Scripture, but NOT the extra-Biblical interpretation of the Michigan Conference.”
So the traditional Adventist interpretation of Genesis is an “extra-Biblical interpretation” put forward by “the fundamentalist wing” of the SDA Church? What are people supposed to think about Larry Geraty’s views?
It is no mystery how LaSierra got in the condition it is in.
The Reptile King
Professor Kent says:
“I don’t do ‘orgins science.’ Not a single publication on the topic. I study contemporary biology. Plenty of publications.”
So, if you did science that related to origins, you would do it pursuant to the biblical paradigm, that is pursuant to the assumption that Genesis 1-11 is true history, correct?
The Reptile King
Well, Jeff, would it work better for you if we just closed the biology and religion departments? I’m open to that as a possible solution.
The Reptile King
Larry Geraty really did a job on LaSierra. Personally I think it is way gone, compromised beyond hope. The SDA Church should just cut its ties to LaSierra, and cut its losses.
As to the discussion on this thread, round up the usual suspects and their usual arguments.
La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction
It is a remarkably fair and unbiased article, and a pretty fair summary of what was said in the recorded conversation.