Comment on Student reveals true intent of LSU’s biology seminar class by david.
Utterly amazing. I have no clue how this will not get enough attention of mass firings take place after this years GC Session unfortunately the Elijahs of this world will be screaming to God that they are the only ones and his reply will be yet so many have no bowed the knee to Baal.
May God continue to guide his peope into truth and let the heralds remain fearless
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Recent Comments by david
Private: Dealing with religious offenders
Interesting discussion I was kinda on the lines with the Author about Eli and couldnt help but think of this in the context of my local church. Sometimes things get by the way side. An example of this is a couple were gropping and caring on (a vast understatement) at a public park (on Sabbath just for context)… And you might say big deal but one was a recent divorcee (the woman) the Man was MARRIED!! (you read that right) The church decided to censure them and to this day I believe something is still up with them and by the way these are long time members and the man’s wife is dying of cancer!
The Elders and Board decided to not disfellowship them as it would be mean and turn them away! if we are so flippant with sin its no wonder evolution can be taught so openly!
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Adventist Review examines LSU conflict
I was actually taken back a little bit when I read this last night. I didnt think one of our publishing magazines had it in them to do some honest investigative journalism! I am extremely happy with the context it was written in and that it shows the emphasis of this kid getting censured if you will and unjustly at that. My Prayer is that people begin to see the action that needs to be taken on a much larger scale.
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Presbyterian church fires board members
I find it very interesting that the appearance of a swift moving action was taken with this particular church body but not with the one we belong too! I told people the other day that this is more about money then it is about heresy! I really get the feeling that if these teachers are tenured they will get a “golden parachute” if you will and the church/conference/university doesnt and will not pay for it if they can just keep brushing things under the rug.
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LSU Board news release and actions
I think what is really being put forward is that the “professors” are beign allowed to carry on business as usual and in the mean to also buying them time to look for new jobs as well. You see the issue is they dont want to FIRE these people! So they are looking for the greater council to lay down the curriculium (sp?) so that they will force these people to either at that point resign because “their” views are being forced out and they HAVE to teach the way we say or they just go through the motions and follow through.
The real problem is 2 fold… These people are hateful towards the truth Jude 4 lays these people out specifically as creeping in unwares to us. Now is the time to take the council of Paul to the elders of Ephesus in Acts 20 and get these wolves out. If the ball is on the court of our round table council they are delegating this to then we need to now step up and put petition to them to start NOW and not let this thing drag out for a couple years “putting” together research and whatever! Christian High school has if other colleges we have teach creation vs. evolution correctly then they need to get the good stuff thats being taught and say “hey teach this or quit” Period!