Comment on La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction by Colin Maunder.
Jerusalem was still Jerusalem even when the Babylonians marched into the middle of it and took control. There was still a remnant there and even over in Babylon where Daniel prayed toward and for it.
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Recent Comments by Colin Maunder
The End of “Junk DNA”?
I recieved notification of this post by email yesterday (Sabbath in NZ) and read and appreciated it. Opened the newspaper on Saturday night and there was an article about the same thing, minus of course the implications for the evolutionist theory. Thank you Sean. Gutted that I missed the first half of your talk on 3ABN a week ago.
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The 6,000 years may not be Biblical but the 3,000 years from creation to the dedication of Solomon’s temple certainly are and of course that was about 3,000 years ago. Put Ussher and Ellen White aside and just take the Bible as it is written. So easy. I get sick of intellectuals saying it’s not Biblical or it’s only from Ussher or Ellen White or the genealogies are inaccurate etc. Try doing a little bit of basic addition and Bible study
[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign
Re the Greenland planes. How quick the pseudo SDAs are to find an explanation that defends the evolutionary view, yet how quickly they belittle real SDAs that find explanations that defend the Bible view.
Supreme Court Decision on Church Employment Case
For such a smart guy Ron, you are surprisingly ignorant regarding 6,000 years in the Bible. “Ussher’s” chronology is actually “Bible” chronology, found in Genesis 5 and 11 (to Abraham) and Galatians 3:17 to the Exodus (there are other ways but Paul will do), and then 1 Kings 6:1,38 to the completion and dedication of the first temple. A grand total of EXACTLY 3,000 years. There is general agreement the first temple was finished around 960 BC, not quite 3,000 years ago. So while the Bible does not say 6,000 years, it certainly teaches 3,000 years from creation to about 960 BC. Ellen did not need Ussher to get 6,000 years and neither does anyone else!
Supreme Court Decision on Church Employment Case
Ron. I’ve never studied Usher’s chronology and probably never will. However I have read and looked into the Bible chronology a bit. When I read “and Adam lived 130 years and begat a son… and called his name Seth. And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were 800 years…and all the days that Adam lived were 930 years: and he died”, the meaning is so crystal clear there is no need for interpretation. So it is with the rest of Genesis 5 and 11. Paul in Galations didn’t need to “interpret” the 430 years from Abraham’s call to the Exodus. Sometimes the simplest things can be complicated by a multitude of words.