Comment on La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction by Diane Kobor.
Walter Veith’s latest series, Total Transformation, has helped me during this crisis in my thoughts and prayer life. He points out that none of us can judge whether a person will turn out like Aaron (who made the golden calf and then repented) or like Caiphas (the “good Adventist” with a murderous attitude). Also reading EGW writings during the Kellogg crisis have been a great blessing to me. May the Lord help us as a people to take a stand on His side, no matter the cost.
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Recent Comments by Diane Kobor
Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students
In the history of the British Reformation, no English clergyman was willing to take a biblical stand against Henry VIII desire to divorce and remarry (that would be like asking for your head to be cut off!) Thank God that Protestant voices out of Germany did not rubber-stamp that divorce (and the subsequent marriages and wife-killing). As a participant in the 2009 GYC, I heard the young people in one of the main public meetings (with 1000s of young people) asking hard questions of our GC leaders about the downward course of LSU, and not being satisfied with “let’s be kind” answers. Our young people in the NAD are looking for biblical truth to be proclaimed and upheld in our churches and in all of our institutions. May this stand by the MI conference send such a message to all young people in our division.
Tennessee Bill Allows Creation in Science Classrooms
bravo for tennessee!
Two Adventist Universities Promote Six-Day Creation
Praise God for faithful professors! There are others at different Adventist campuses as well, so we can pray that the tide will turn in leadership at individual schools.
Alumnus calls Wisbey to ‘honor constituent parents’
I appreciate the letter written by Mr. Johns. This morning during family worship we read: “The infidel supposition, that the events of the first week required seven vast, indefinite periods for their accomplishment, strikes directly at the foundation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. It makes indefinite and obscure that which God has made very plain. It is the worst kind of infidelity; for with many who profess to believe the record of Creation, it is infidelity in disguise.” from To Be Like Jesus, p. 153 or Signs of the Times, Mar. 20, 1879.