Typical [edit] double talk. …

Comment on Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism by Aubrey Duncan.

Typical [edit] double talk.

Aubrey Duncan Also Commented

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
In order to truly accept evolution, one must, by definition, come up with a different system for measuring time. Millions or thousands of years are made up of individual YEARS. Years are in turn made up of months. Months are made of of days. The only concept of days known to humanity comes to them from an Omnipotent God who emphatically states that He created our heavens and earth in six days and rested on the 7th. If you disagree with that, then you need to come up with your own concept of measuring time and leave God’s standard alone. That very God of creation also allows you the freedom of choice. If you choose to disbelieve Him, that’s just fine. The Seventh-day Adventist church chooses to believe Him. For those who do not believe God, they are free to exercise the freedom of choice HE gives them, leave His church, resign from its colleges and find refuge some place else with those of like mind.

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
I do sincerely applaud and commend Shane Hide for bringing this issue to the forefront. My prayers go up for you. The teaching of evolution and the discrediting of God’s word at La Sierra is but the tip of the iceberg of the Omega Apostasy as predicted by God’s messenger to His remnant church. His admonition to us through her is to meet it head on.
Thanks Shane for doing God’s will.
To the president and former president of La Sierra, the president of the GC and all the other leaders who seem to be leading God’s people into apostasy rather than to God’s kingdom, I pray that they would turn around before it is everlastingly too late. It is amazing how the defenders and supporters of this abomination in God’s church are quick to point out a lack of the love of God in those who choose to stand for the right. I ask, ‘where is their love of God in openly and boldly going against His commandments’? May I remind them of the Savior’s words, ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments’ (John 14:15)
To teach and promote evolution is a blatant denial of God’s seventh-day Sabbath. When the Sabbath goes, so does everything else we believe as a people. If there is no Sabbath, then there is no sin, if there is no sin then we have no need for a Savior. There is no concept of sin in evolution. Since we evolve from grime to slime to monkeys then we have no moral absolutes that come from a loving God who created us and gave us the Sabbath-day as a sign between us and Him who created us. One cannot believe in evolution and at the same time claim to be a Christian. A Christian lives by faith rather than by science-so-called and men’s intellectual philosophies that are contrary to the plain teachings of Go’s word. The two are mutually exclusive and patently irreconcilable.
My question to those who are choosing the path of evolution is, ‘what is your purpose in God’s church’?
To the president of the Michigan Conference and it’s Executive Committee, I want to encourage you to continue to stand for the right even though the heavens fall. We are living in the last days and God will have a people who will stand for truth in the face of fierce opposition. May you continue to be numbered among those.
We should not stop at La Sierra but let our voices be known at Andrews, Oakwood and all the other institutions that are teaching not only evolution but are leading our young people away from the word of Almighty God to the spiritual exercises of Loyola whilst denying God’s warnings to us through His prophet Ellen White. We must make our opposition known to the leadership that we oppose the parading of Vatican at our General Conference sessions. It is time for God’s people to stand up and face the Omega of Apostasy that is upon us. If not now when?
The challenge may seem formidable; but God is on our side. He will fight with us and for us. I pray that the Kevin Paulsons of the church would continue to make it clear that the Omega will not go unanswered.
Here we stand, we can do no other. May God help us.
Aubrey Duncan

Recent Comments by Aubrey Duncan

LSU responds to Michigan Conference
To believe in evolution and follow those who teach it is verily to destroy the Seventh-day Adventist church. The enemies of our souls, through his appointed agents masquerading as Seventh-day Adventists, are steadfast in their attempts to destroy God’s Remnant church. God has warned us through His prophet, Ellen G. White, that this day would come. She pointed it out as the Omega of Apostasy. We are in it. God’s admonition is that we should face it head on. Thanks to Shane, the Michigan Conference and those who are indeed obeying God by standing up to this assault, not only upon the church; but upon the very God who established it.[edit]

This is not a debate about creation vs evolution, or science vs faith. It is a frontal attack upon the God of creation by the very enemy who was cast out of heaven.

Sister White warns us, ” A company was presented before me under the name Seventh-day Adventist, who are advising that the banner or sign which makes us a distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy in securing success to our institutions. This distinctive banner is to be borne through the world to the close of probation…I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner, and to obscure its significance” (Manuscript 15, 1896)

[edit] Unconsciously as deceived Seventh-day Adventists, many are carrying out the devils plan. They will fail. God’s truth will triumph. [edit]

Have a blessed Sabbath.

Students and alumni sing LSU’s praises
I do sincerely applaud and commend Shane Hide for bringing this issue to the forefront. My prayers go up for you. The teaching of evolution and the discrediting of God’s word at La Sierra is but the tip of the iceberg of the Omega Apostasy as predicted by God’s messenger to His remnant church. His admonition to us through her is to meet it head on.
Thanks Shane for doing God’s will.
To the president and former president of La Sierra, the president of the GC and all the other leaders who seem to be leading God’s people into apostasy rather than to God’s kingdom, I pray that they would turn around before it is everlastingly too late. It is amazing how the defenders and supporters of this abomination in God’s church are quick to point out a lack of the love of God in those who choose to stand for the right. I ask, ‘where is their love of God in openly and boldly going against His commandments’? May I remind them of the Savior’s words, ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments’ (John 14:15)
To teach and promote evolution is a blatant denial of God’s seventh-day Sabbath. When the Sabbath goes, so does everything else we believe as a people. If there is no Sabbath, then there is no sin, if there is no sin then we have no need for a Savior. There is no concept of sin in evolution. Since we evolve from grime to slime to monkeys then we have no moral absolutes that come from a loving God who created us and gave us the Sabbath-day as a sign between Him and us who created us. One cannot believe in evolution and at the same time claim to be a Christian. A Christian lives by faith rather than by science-so-called and men’s intellectual philosophies that are contrary to the plain teachings of Go’s word.
My question to those who are choosing the path of evolution is, ‘what is your purpose in God’s church’?
To the president of the Michigan Conference and it’s Executive Committee, I want to encourage you to continue to stand for the right even though the heavens fall. We are living in the last days and God will have a people who will stand for truth in the face of fierce opposition. May you continue to be numbered among those.
We should not stop at La Sierra but let our voices be known at Andrews, Oakwood and all the other institutions that are teaching not only evolution but are leading our young people away from the word of Almighty God to the spiritual exercises of Loyola whilst denying God’s warnings to us through His prophet Ellen White. We must make our opposition known to the leadership that we oppose the parading of Vatican at our General Conference sessions. It is time for God’s people to stand up and face the Omega of Apostasy that is upon us. If not now when.
The challenge may seem formidable; but God is on our side. He will fight with us and for us. I pray that the Kevin Paulsons of the church would continue to make it clear that the Omega will not go unanswered.
Here we stand, we can do no other. May God help us.
Aubrey Duncan