Why was the son of a previous GC President chosen? …

Comment on Elder Ted Wilson is Our New General Conference President by Bobbie Vedvick.

Why was the son of a previous GC President chosen? Did he nominate himself? This does not look good considering the history of his forbears. He will need to be an exceptional person to retrieve the church from its present sad position. I have been sda for a loooong time. I want my church to reflect the attitudes of the Master There have been times when I weep on disbelief at the happenings in my church. God Bless you all. Donovan P.  (Quote)

I guess I don’t understand what the “big deal” is with Neal Wilson’s son taking this position. He’s not following directly after his father and if he’s dedicated to the truth then God can use him in marvelous ways. This church is going to be turned on its head but God is very much in control. While I agree how disheartening it has been over the past years to see the state to which the church has sunk, I’m reminded that at times when things looked alarmingly dismal and hopeless to the disciples; when their dreams were dashed and their hearts broken, behind the veil everything was right on queue and Jesus’ mission a complete success. The more I hear about Ted Wilson the more my energy grows. I’m looking forward to praying for him and holding up his arms, as long as he makes a strong and decided stand for God. The future is frightening but Jesus says “fear not I am with you always”. On Spectrum there’s a lot of sentiment about the SDA “tent” getting smaller. The shaking will do that but I believe “everything is right on queue…”

Bobbie Vedvick Also Commented

Elder Ted Wilson is Our New General Conference President
Carol Stent:
I agree with you and posted the same question a while back. I think the vast majority of the people on this page believe and want the same thing. There just seems to be some worry (in my opinion) how this “looks” to the liberal side of the church, who are VERY vocal about untrustworthy shenanigans going on “behind the scenes”. I completely disregard their skepticism and bend for planting seeds of doubt. I’m thrilled with the new leadership and look forward to how God is going to lead us through the events of the future with this wonderful and godly man as His human instrument.

Elder Ted Wilson is Our New General Conference President
Danella Sherwood: I’m rather new to this site and have not been an Adventist all my life but have to say I have heard no hate whatsoever on this site. I’ve had concerns and actually found some answers here. I believe everybody here for the most part wants the same thing: A Christ-centered leader who has a good balance of justification and sanctification. While we are to be united, we are never to unite on error or wrong doing. If you read some of the letters written to “one of our institutions” you will see a most Godly approach to handling the situation but the response has been evasive and willful with no change. And if you want to really understand a hateful tone read the LSU web forum. God never tolerated insurrection and has ordered leaders throughout the ages to go through the camp and get rid of the idols (so to speak) or He wouldn’t work with them. Discipline is always hard and those in a position to deliver it are always falsely accused—-Jesus Himself was but that isn’t to stop them. He was crucified by an angry mob for showing them love but for pointing out their sinful ways and not accepting false teachings. The situation at LSU is too dire and appalling for anybody to gloat (and I certainly haven’t heard any of that here) but the activities and teachings of that school have been a horrible representation of Adventism and at war with Christ and our fundamental beliefs. The problem isn’t going away.

As far as David Asscherick goes, I’ve listened to his sermons also when I would visit my daughter in Michigan. She lived with him and his family for a while and can attest to their love and devotion to God and the truth. His personality is quick and spirited, full of energy, and God is using him in a powerful way, as I hope is the case with Ted Wilson and all of our leaders. I’m sure if Elijah marched down the aisles of LSU and pronounced 3 years of starvation and drought because of their wicked ways; or if Moses brought the tables of stone down with a crashing blow at their feet they would be critisized by some church members today, just as they were blamed and critisized in their day. I’m sure they would be accused of being hateful and point to an “Aaron” as an example of a true Christian. While it’s impossible to miss the point with David and while he has certainly addressed my own weaknesses from time to time, I’ve never felt offended but rather thankful to God for sending somebody to open my eyes. Of course some people walk away (during the shaking the whole church will appear to be going down—we need to accept that) but we need to be careful not to critisize somebody brave enough to speak the truth. In the Bible that’s never been a happy ending.

Elder Ted Wilson is Our New General Conference President
After reading some of these encouraging remarks regarding Ted Wilson, there’s a flicker of hope growing. Our substitue teacher in Sabbath School last week referred to Ted Wilson as “being of GREAT concern to her” she said “his views were very troubling”. As I’m not familiar at all with Elder Wilson, my heart sank. But I feel a little wiser now and will in deed be praying to see God and the Holy Spirit at work with this man. Hopefully he’s the one God will use to steer the ship “Home”; if so, he’ll need our prayers and support. We know from prophecy what that means. As Jesus said “these things must come to pass…..”

Recent Comments by Bobbie Vedvick

Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
May seem “out there” but the symptoms you described sound like gout. Even though it most often settles in the toe it can settle in any joint. “Feverish”, “excrutiating pain”. Antibiotics in parts of Europe are against the law without lab proof of their necessity due to the rise of super-bugs. America needs to be in that camp.

If this forum is for Adventists, then why isn’t Spirit of Prophecy used? God gave us this gift for the same reason He has always given the world a prophet, to make a clear path to undeniable truth. Though the truth of “days” in creation and “days” in Daniel is abundantly clear to the seekers of truth, for those who desire to see otherwise, the Spirit of Prophecy puts the question to final rest—-as God intended. The choice is to ignore God’s prophet—-as was done in Bible times— or silence the voice by casting doubt or through mocking (and that’s the kindest approach as in Bible times they murdered them).

Is this forum set up exclusively for the evolution theory? The subject has been explored to the point of bickering now. People for the most part know enough to make a decision. Satan has other dangerous issues that will cause the ruin of people and divide the church; other dangerous. I’d like to see some of those explored as well. In fact numerous issues to confuse “even the elect if possible” are and WILL abound. Why not meet these issues openly as well?

Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
Lydian Belknap,
What beautiful stories to read as the sun sets, starting another Sabbath. Sometimes, as with the depressing news today, I need to just step out of all the contention and arguing and join the peaceful company of my God and Creator. As much as I benefit from the intelligent responses to the creation question and 100% support of the Bible AND Spirit of Prophecy, the constant rejection of the plain written word is wearing and takes me away from God. Thankfully He has wisely provided a rest to draw us back to Him—-far, far away from man’s presumptious religion and the complicated twists and turns of science!

Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
Our daughter also spent 4 years at LLU (late ’90’s and early 2000’s)and while she wasn’t taught evolution, there were certainly other problems. More than half of her class were non-Adventists and, like the “mixed company” coming out of Egypt, these were always striving against and balking at the “restrictions” they agreed to upon acceptance. There were administrators and maybe even professors (it’s hard to remember those details now) who were non-Adventists as well. At the time I asked HOW we could EVER operate under the guidelines of EGW with this set-up. Not only did these non-SDA’s drink and party ’til the cows came home, but other weaker SDA’s were lured into the action as well. One “memorable” night there was a party in the community where noise and drunkeness was out of hand. The neighbors complained so a few of the students urinated on their lawn in their viewing. Police were called and the media jumped on it. The laws of the school (at that time) demanded expelling or withholding their diplomas (all students were aware of this and consistently thumbed their noses at it). A battle ensued and the solid SDA’s were out-voted by the non-SDA’s and their sympathizers and all those students graduated with nothing but a word of “caution”. The neighbors, also non-SDA’s, only knew these were medical students from LLU. Nice representation. Nice. We sacrifice a LOT by forming contracts with the world. Remember David doing business with the heathen? God was pointed in His disapproval. There were at this time promising and dedicated SDA students with high GPA’s trying to get into LLU but were passed up for students in public colleges. Fox University was ” favorite” to draw from. The question was put to Samson, “Are there not women of God’s people to choose from…..?” The same question could be posed to our institutions. Whether it be evolution, abhorant behavior or bad influence and sewing seeds of doubt, we’re selling the souls of our students and making contracts with the devil.

Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
Many thanks to George Hilton and Jim Mcdonald for your comments. George, your in depth response was put very well from a truly educated background, and Jim, after reading your comments I thought about it and you’re absolutely right. Thanks again….my daughter’s remarks have “lingered” in my mind for years.

Ted Wilson: “We will not flinch. We will not be deterred.”
When our daughter attended PUC in the late 1990’s, she told us her science teacher at the time said there was way more “evidence” for evolution than for creation and the only way to believe creation is purely faith in the Bible. Any creationists with a science background want to comment on that? My faith in creation over a literal 6 days is unshakeable but I’d be interested in some scientific responses.