I am still amazed that the good people of Educate …

Comment on A little-known history about Belief 6 by Bengman Stubbs.

I am still amazed that the good people of Educate TRuth seems to ignore the truth. What? Are you folks so blinded that you can’t see through Goldstiens’s tricky? Coming out of the Catholic Chuch myslef this is tradtional”Bait and Switch.” Wake up people. Wake up! Wake Up.
Have any of you ever heard of the Dialectic thinking?
Now i know you guys are not going to print this comment either, but who ever is redaing it is now responsilbe and will have to ansewr to Almighty God. I pray you all get serious about the church of God and call a spade a spade. You see it is because of lpeopel like you all who are afrid to take a decisiev stand for truth, for God and would rather parley with the enemy. My God where are the real man of God? No wonder the Lortd Himself says he will soon take the reighns of this church back into His own hands. Those to whom He entrusted the guidianship of the church have betrayed their trust. So the word is that He would soon come and remove our CANDLESTICK OUT OF ITS PLACE. WE ARE LOST- AND IT APPERS THAT Truth Educate is not willing nor wanting to lay the plum line down. May God have mercy on your souls.

Recent Comments by Bengman Stubbs

Students and alumni sing LSU’s praises
I think it is time for God fearing SDAs to take a stand and do the right thing. I feel very much offended my the Presiident of the General conferenec mamby pamby stance/postion on these vital isuues. He is making and “Appeal”?. What? Do you not think it is time that the Presdient make a ststement of demand. How about saying, effecetive(as did the Michigan Conferenec folk) such and such day any proffessor/teacher or whoever is found taeaching, precahing or any such thing in our established institutions will be dismissed from serviec immediately. My God, do you mean we are still paying these guys to teach our children hearsy- for that is what evolution essentially is. Where are the true men of God? Or are we force to see what the prophet said is so, ” these dumb dogs that would not bark.” “The ancient men, those to whom God had given great light, and who had stood as guardians of the spiritual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust. . . . These dumb dogs, that would not bark, are the ones who feel the just vengeance of an offended God. Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 211
I have to add these statements, ” Men and women are in the last hours of probation, and yet careless and stupid, and ministers have no power to arouse them; they are asleep themselves. Sleeping preachers preaching to a sleeping people1″- Testimonies, Vol 2 p.337 She goes on to say, ” Doubt and even disbelif of the testimoies of the Spirit of God, is leavening our churches everywhere. Satn would have it thus. Ministers who preach self instead of Christ would have it thus. -Testimoies Vol. 5, p.217
These are very serious times brethren. What will you do????
