Professor Kent, your wit is too much (LOL). I think …

Comment on A big reason why so many people are leaving the church by Madeline Langmire.

Professor Kent, your wit is too much (LOL). I think your right. We need to love the TE’s even if we disagree with them. I wish that all would come to see the need for this.

I have to say that over time I have really warmed to your defense of faith and common decency. Thank you for that. Have a blessed day!

Madeline Langmire Also Commented

A big reason why so many people are leaving the church

BobRyan: Kent – your argument that if enough people sign up for it then it must make sense – is the classic “ad populum” logical fallacy.

This is Bob Ryan’s usual tactic: mischaracterize someone’s position (known as a red herring fallacy) and label it a fallacy.

I didn’t say that theistic evolution “must make sense” because so many people “sign up for it.” I simply said that many people subscribe to it and still have faith in the Bible.

I know this must irk you greatly.