The Creator of Time

Ancient and Modern Views on the Nature of Time: Ancient Greece: Throughout history, many philosophers and scientists believed that time is infinite and eternal. For example, Aristotle believed in the real empirical existence of infinity in part because of the existence of time “for it is infinite” (Link). Aristotle offered two reasons for this conclusion:…

Emergence and the Origin of Life?

by Sean Pitman: . The following discussion is from a Spectrum article by Dr. Mailen Kootsey.  Dr. Kootsey is a physicist who has “multidisciplinary expertise”, to include appointments in departments of Physics, Physiology, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Biology. His article is entitled, “Emergence and Origins of Life”.  In this article he tries to explain…

Transcript of Self-Recorded “LSU-4” Conversation Uploaded to the Riverside Superior Court Website

On June 10, 2011, three La Sierra University (LSU) faculty members and a board member resigned over a conversation that was accidentally self-recorded a month earlier and then published (Link, Link2).   The faculty members (aka: “LSU-3”) then took their wrongful termination case to court. Recently, the parties involved uploaded documents to support their arguments and…

Bringing the Real World to Genesis: Why Evolution is an Idea that Won’t Die—IV [A Review]

  By Sean Pitman . Mr. Jan M. Long, J.D. has taught management at Loma Linda University and at Riverside Community College. Currently he is a legal analyst for the District Attorney of Riverside County, California. He also dabbles in the creation/evolution debate, having been converted to neo-Darwinism from traditional Adventism.  Recently, Mr. Long published…