For every truth, there is a counterfeit. There is pseudofaith …

Comment on Why those who hate the Bible love blind-faith Christians by Phil Mills.

For every truth, there is a counterfeit. There is pseudofaith (1 Tim 1:5, Ja 2:19), pseudoscience (1 Tim 6:20), pseudolove (1 Joh 3:18), pseudohope (Job 8:18), etc. Unfortunately, these counterfeits delude their possessors into pseudosecurity and pseudosalvation (Rev 3:17).

Fortunately, all counterfeits expose themselves by attacking the genuine. It is a strange thing to observe, but false love is unloving and hateful toward those it deems unloving or hateful. It is interesting to watch those who do not seem to read others’ posts very carefully, complaining that their own posts are not read carefully. Those who complain of being misunderstood and maligned seem to be misunderstanding and maligning others. How true the Bible is, that the sin we charge against others is the sin we are most apt to be committing.

As a frequent lurker, but seldom contributor it seems that some frequent posters are in the manufacturing business. Manufacturing a problem where none exists. It is obvious that anyone on this site who is determined to misunderstand the plainest statements, find a disagreement where no disagreement exists, or pick a fight where no fight exists, can manufacture misunderstanding, disagreements, and fights. Yes, even self-styled young earth creationists and professors can do this.

I will try once again to explain true faith, more for the unbiased lurker, than the pugilists that frequently post. I will not be saying something new or different, but repeat what has been said over and over by a variety of posters more eloquent than I:

The Word of God establishes all things. Our science does not “prove” the Bible, the Bible proves our science. But since the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and the author of the book of nature, there can never be a true contradiction between science and the Bible. We study both humbly and carefully knowing that each sheds light on the other. Science doesn’t trump the Bible, it is an aid in Bible study. It illustrates, teaches, and reinforces spiritual truths (Rom 1:20; Ps 97:6).

We go to nature knowing that properly understood, it will declare the glory of God (Ps 19:1, 2). We know that the evidence of true science cannot but second the truths of God’s word. In the hierarchy of authority the Bible has the first and final word. Science can only imply what the Bible clearly states. While science can teach of the power, handiwork, and love of God, sin has dimmed its message. The Bible is necessary to properly interpret nature. And the Bible alone can declare God’s personality. The Holy Spirit must work in our study of the Bible since we can never unaided find God (Job 11:7).

Thus, because Bible-believing scientists start from the proper premises, because they have a passion for truth, because they have available assistance from the Author of the book of nature, and because they have been promised power to keep them humble, Bible believers make the best scientists. Furthermore, they have a joy, an assurance, a purpose that the atheist and agnostic scientist can neither posses nor understand.

To declare that this is somehow demeaning of truth faith, somehow ignoring the Holy Spirit’s necessary work, somehow believing science over the Bible, somehow blasphemy is simply mocking the clearly stated and frequently repeated beliefs of this site. Those who mock shouldn’t go around whimpering that they are suffering and being vilified here. Nor should they think they are somehow champions of genuine faith or love. There is a great difference between being buffeted for our faults and being assaulted for our virtues (1 Pet 2:12). Perhaps, the advice of Proverbs to listen more and talk less (Pro 10:19) would help us all.

Phil Mills Also Commented

Why those who hate the Bible love blind-faith Christians

Okay, Phil. We both know your remark is directed toward me.

Actually not specifically. It was an observation of human nature. It was directed at me as much as anyone else. There have been a number of posts by a number of individuals over the months that illustrated it well. I could give you many instances in my own life that confirm this tendency, I am sorry to say.

I would be happy to carry on a conversation in the quiet “privacy” of e-mail, but not in a public forum. If you would like you can contact me at

Recent Comments by Phil Mills

The Rise of Theistic Evolutionism – The Salvation of Christianity?
Those who seem to want to laud the love for the Creator by Theistic evolutionists and attack the motives of those seeking evidence for Young Earth Creation might well consider the following:

“God designs that men shall believe … because there is abundant evidence for faith.” ST 06/08/1882.

Satan blinds men to this abundant evidence. He sends men of pseudoscience to gravely pontificate that there is no evidence for a young earth creation and that all who suggest this are not scientific. If bold assertions could prove these skeptics case, the case is proved. But careful, thoughtful, scientific study shows a completely different case. However, the doubter is never disturbed by facts. Sadly, professed believers too often agree with the science “falsely so called.”

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
I wonder if “due process” was afforded those who were dropped, since that is very important for accreditation. I wonder if this is being explored.

Record enrollment for LSU
Why is higher enrollment “always wonderful news for a university”?

Often short-term, and short-sighted “success” is the prelude to long-term failure and collapse. This is seen in every type of endeavor, but may be easiest to understand in the financial world. Enrollment, like income, is only one measure of an institution. And academic enrollment, like all measures of convenience and popularity, fails miserably as a reliable predictor of outcomes. The drunk who is loudly rejoicing at the party, may be throwing up at tomorrow’s hangover. Our greatest danger is apparent success. When David was winning wars and at the peak of his popularity, he suffered his greatest shame with the fatal beauty of Bathsheba.

Universities with increasing enrollment (including Southern, by the way) would do well to ponder Christ’s warning, “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets” Luke 6:26.

As Christians, we do not take a short-sighted view of success. Success is measured by faithfulness to God. How often today’s heroes are tomorrows villains.

For a time David failed to take a longer term view, “For I was envious of the boastful, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked” Ps 73:3 NKJ.

Daniel was shown a power that would be mighty, and “destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper” but would “destroy the mighty and the holy people” Dan 8:24.

The well-known and often quoted reference should never be forgotten:

“If you lower the standard in order to secure popularity and an increase of numbers, and then make this increase a cause of rejoicing, you show great blindness. If numbers were evidence of success, Satan might claim the pre-eminence; for in this world his followers are largely in the majority. It is the degree of moral power pervading the college that is a test of its prosperity. It is the virtue, intelligence, and piety of the people composing our churches, not their numbers, that should be a source of joy and thankfulness” 5T 31.3.

La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction
It looks like old error is still being recycled.

Bob&#032Orrick: To me this implies that an organized “church of God” will not exist. This also would mean that the SDA denomination will have been driven out of existence as a functioning unit or will have fallen away from following the Lord (because of item #3 above, this seems the most likely outcome).

No need to rely on mere speculation and twisted Scripture when we have the testimony of Jesus that couldn’t be more plain to anyone who loves truth more than some favorite error.

9T 258.1 Some have advanced the thought that, as we near the close of time, every child of God will act independently of any religious organization. But I have been instructed by the Lord that in this work there is no such thing as every man’s being independent. The stars of heaven are all under law, each influencing the other to do the will of God, yielding their common obedience to the law that controls their action. And, in order that the Lord’s work may advance healthfully and solidly, His people must draw together.

The Heroic Crusade Redux
A well known and oft quoted statement deserves to be heard yet again:

SC 105.2 God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason; and this testimony is abundant. Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith.