LSU Board says ‘we apologize’

In a surprising turn of events, LSU Board’s appointed Creation-Evolution Study Group issued a detailed memorandum to the board, outlining their report and recommendations regarding the allegations against LSU. In addition to the memorandum, Randal Wisbey and Ricardo Graham issued an open letter, summarizing much of the memorandum. There are some noteworthy revelations in the…

LSU Controversy Receives Secular Media Attention

By Educate Truth Staff September 1, 2009, an article titled “Creating Controversy” by Jack Stripling surfaced at, covering the controversy surrounding La Sierra University. As a result of this article, received a spike in unique hits Sept. 1 — over 7,000 — five times the daily average for August. Widespread interest in this…

Creating Controversy, by Jack Stripling

The following are quotations taken from “Creating Controversy” by Jack Stripling. Emphsis added. “Bradley says he’s felt no pressure to change anything about his course, and says bluntly that he doesn’t plan to turn his class into a theological seminar, or to present evolutionary theory only to then dismantle it for students. While he’s fine…

Letter to Wisbey from Carlos Cerna

Carlos Cerna sent this letter Randal Wisbey after he had spoken with Wisbey in his office. This letter was also sent to the Southern California Conference, Southeastern California Conference, and the Arizona Conference. Cerna graduated from La Sierra June, 2009. June 1, 2009 Dr. Wisbey, I’m sorry that our discussion was cut short. I will…

La Sierra Promotes Evolution

What Professors are Promoting Evolution at La Sierra? There is strong evidence four biology professors at La Sierra promote evolution in their classes. Professor at La Sierra University Lee Greer believes and teaches the human species evolved from primates. On June 6, 2009, Greer gave a presentation at a Loma Linda Sabbath School on genetic…