Faith: Of course it is a lot easier to pop …

Comment on WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation by Greg.

Faith: Of course it is a lot easier to pop a pill to feel better, but EGW makes it plain that the drug medications, while they bring relief, will come back on the patient with a more serious disease. If you have ever looked at a PDR you will see how many of the drugs there have serious side effects–some even cancer-causing.

I can appreciate your vigorous defense of our SDA beliefs, Faith, but now I have lost all respect for you. You remarks I’ve cited here clearly reflect sheer ignorance. You have crossed a line.

I know many people who have benefitted from medications. I myself, and my uncle, are good examples. We have bipolar disorder and without our medications we would be disfunctional in the extreme. Yet we can live fairly normal lives today. Ellen White in no way suggests that we would be better off without our medications. The benefits greatly exceed the side effects and you are simply deluded if you think cancer is a likely result. You don’t know what you are talking about.

I think you need to get a grip on what modern science has to offer. Your total ignorance is no excuse for the way you judge other people. I don’t understand why you are so hard on Pauluc who is expressing legitimate concerns about your attitudes toward natural science.

Greg Also Commented

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation

Faith: When I referred to the scientific community, it was in response to the fact that people like Pauluc have been stating that the scientific community–their peers– have judged that Creation is not scientific and therefore Pauluc and his cronies reject the science of Creation based on this judgement. Do you understand what I am getting at? They are taking the opinions of mere men over the “thus saith the Lord” in the Bible and SOP. That is my objection to the “scientific community” argument.

Fair enough. I can agree with you on this. I definately think “thus saith the Lord” comes ahead of science. If Pauluc rejects creationism, then that is unfortunate.

I take it you are opposed to the Adventist Health System and our medical school at Loma Linda. I learned the other day that Loma Linda has a pharmacy program now. I suppose Ellen White said that there would never be legitimate medications that could treat organic disease?

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation
Ervin Taylor, I don’t think you have any business commenting on things here. No one pays much attention to your mini rants.

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation

Faith: Personally, I don’t give a hoot if you have lost all respect for me. I speak the truth, whether it is to your liking or not.

Methinks you hold yourself in too high esteem.

Recent Comments by Greg

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued
Thank you, Sean. A voice of reason. Well stated.

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued

Bill Sorensen: It is pure selfishness to demand “your rights” under civil law when you are working for God and His kingdom.

Then it’s okay for a church to screw its employees. Churches are exempt from applicable laws. Churches are excused when they abuse and mistreat their employees.

What kind of Christianity is this? Where do you people come from? I think you’re a bunch of nutcases!

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued
Look people, it’s okay to fire professors and I think they should be fired if they were teaching against the church or breaking the rules of employment (which the filing brings to question). If you’re going to fire them though, you just have to do it properly and abide by the university’s policies and the rules of the land. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

I don’t want to be misunderstand. I don’t object to the firings if they were justified (I don’t know what was on the recordings). I just object to the way they were fired (breaking the law or not) and the way the situation was handled. As a church we can do better. Much better. We should pray for our leaders.

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued

Bill Sorensen: This is the nature of socialism when it wants to subject every power or influence and bring it under the control of the government. All in the name of defending the individual. When in fact, it is for the purpose of total subjection of all powers.

Your views of our government are extreme. You come across as paranoid and spellbound by conspiracy theories.

The more time I spend here the more disappointed I am with the extreme views of those who post. I thought this was supposed to be about creation and evolution, yet people delve into all sorts of nonsense about medicine causing cancer, political correctness, government conspiracies, and outright lies about the beliefs of others (like the jerk who called me a theistic evolutionist for no reason whatsoever).

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued

Faith: Greg: You have totally lost the fundamental problem here in your quest to be politically correct.
The church is not at fault here.

Faith, this is not about political correctness. This is about the law. Plain and simple. Do you not understand the distinction?

If you can’t fire people while abiding by the law of the land, you can’t fire them. If laws were broken, you can’t just say the church is within its rights. Obviously it must be held accountable.

Perhaps we’ll learn yet the church was in the right, but from all appearances the church’s administrators were in the wrong. It looks like a jury may decide this. I am seriously troubled when church members like you defend an institution and individuals breaking the law and say its within their rights to do so. Jesus himself condemned it.