I am just quoting from memory, but all faithful SDA’s …

Comment on New Adventist president envisions a church marked by prayer, revival by Ron Stone M.D..

I am just quoting from memory, but all faithful SDA’s know that E.G.White said that what the Church needs is a true revival of faith and holiness and that revival will come in answer to prayer and the study od the books of Daniel and Revelation. Elsewhere she said that we should not remove the old land marks of prophecy. May someone, please, provide the appropriate and accurate quotations. If this is what Elder Wilson wants to do with the help of God, we must like Hur and Aaron keep his hands up until complete victory over Amalek!  

Cuniah, We’ve got lots more out here in California besides Amalek to worry about. A whole “tribe” of liberals which has infiltrated our SDA Church while the “watchmen” have been asleep for decades!

Ron Stone M.D. Also Commented

New Adventist president envisions a church marked by prayer, revival
JohnB, I agree with you completely. Many of our institutions have missed the mark as far as following the leadership, guidance, and direction we have had in the past. Not only “institutions” but our Churches also. Elvin Adams, in his “Handbook of Health Evangelism” explains how “medical missionary work” should be done from our churches. He documents this both from the Bible and the “Spirit of Prophecy” of Ellen White. Is it being done this way? Not anywhere that I can see.

However, not doing what we should in the way we should is different than purposely and blatantly opposing our biblical beliefs, which we see going on at LSU and other places.

New Adventist president envisions a church marked by prayer, revival

Getting a new leader for our church makes no difference because we as individuals need to do our part and not expect the leader to come with a great plan, bretheren remember they are human too, and that means they will make wrong decissions; therefore, we need on our own make an effort to fulfill the purpose that christ calls us to do. I pray that God uses this man, but on our own need to preach the Gospel and speed up the advent.  (Quote)

Uh, Chris, I disagree with you that Wilson “makes no difference” to our denomination, even if he does make mistakes. Why do the liberals hate him and have been “beating him up” on Spectrum and AT? They seem to think he will make a difference.

New Adventist president envisions a church marked by prayer, revival

Well I wish him well.I hope he will forgive my scepticism however, I remember another Elder Wilson when I was a teenager who promised us that if we commited our lives completely to God and give a double tithe to the church that the Holy Spirit would be poured out in the Latter rain and the church would have all the money it needed to take the gospel to the entire world and Christ would come in our lifetime.My friends and I made that commitment, but what did we get in return?A church that is so consumed with orthodoxy that it drives out one great thinker after another in what seems to be a never ending series of witch hunts.It discriminates against women in order to maintain the Catholic doctrine of ordination, and what about mission?It’s only mission is to sustain and propigate itself.It certainly doesn’t look like Christ is coming any time soon.I’m sorry, at some point it just seems like an abusive relationship and this web site isn’t helping.  

Looks like you’re in the “wrong” church. I doubt whether Elder Wilson “promised” you the return on your double tithe. Are you sure that’s what he actually said? As to the “witch hunt” stuff, we will continue to pursue this problem although those like yourself will chastise us unmercifully.

So you’re making a prediction that Christ is not “coming soon?” On what basis. Many SDA’s see differently. Who are some of these “great thinkers” the Church has “driven out?” Desmond Ford? Just wondering. Please give us your list!

So the “only mission” our SDA Church has is self propagation? You’d better start opening your eyes to what the Church is and has been doing all over the world. Maybe you’ve “missed” something?

Please also explain what is “abusive” about the way the SDA Church has treated you. And, if so, why haven’t you left this so-called abuse?

Recent Comments by Ron Stone M.D.

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Great article Sean! This guy is worshiped almost like a god on Fulcrum 7,

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Another great article Sean. Good to see some actual truthful and factual information online!

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This is the typical garbage that has been coming out of PUC for many years. People wonder why our colleges are losing students, despite the fact that we take more and more non-SDAs each year.

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The reason the LaSierra situation has gone uncorrected so long is that most of our administrators have exactly the sort of political instincts that Dan Jackson has. They are politicians and consensus builders; they want to keep the peace and make the trains run on time. But the circumstances call for men of principle, hard men who are willing to stand for the right “though the heavens fall,” i.e., regardless who is offended and loudly complains.

Dave, I agree with you. Jackson’s trying to play on “both teams” is not going to go well for him.

Unfortunately, politics is the “SOP” of many of our SDA officials, Jackson being just one. “Political instincts” are the rule, instead of actually doing what is “right” according to what we know in God’s Word.

Bradley, Beach and Kaatz retain attorney

Shane Hilde: Think big fish: LSU or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.Graham might not have followed procedure with these men, but I don’t know what the procedure is. I’ve read what the process is in the faculty handbook, but I don’t know if that applies to administrative positions which are at will employees. If it does apply to them, then it appears the process was not followed.

Trustees book says, in 6,9,F, that the Trustes may “discontinue” virtually anyone working at the university.

Does that mean to “fire” or to “force their resignation? Seems like it does.