Why directing this to Elder Gallimore? The whole Michigan Conference …

Comment on Michigan Conference takes substantial action in LSU conflict by Dean Read.

Why directing this to Elder Gallimore? The whole Michigan Conference Executive Committee has done this, and I am glad!Anyway, this is a familiar ploy blaming those who stand up for what we agreed to believe. Who has shattered the unity of the church in the first place – except those who have been teaching & propagating the evolutionary theory to our young people in stealth all these years.  (Quote)

Excellent point. It is those who have been teaching and propagating falsehood, evolution or theological or moral, that are shattering the unity we as Seventh-day Adventist Christians should find in Jesus Christ. I have read most of the posts and did not realize that the issue had come so far. Thank God that the Michigan Conference has already made a stand. Now, we must pray for the General Conference soon to be convening in Atlanta to prayerfully consider a much larger response through the guidance of the Holy Spirit Who has already guided us through similar trouble in the past. The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are clear. Through confession and repentance the Lord is able to lead us through this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Creator and Savior. Amen.

Recent Comments by Dean Read

Private: La Sierra’s misleading PR campaign
I have only started to get wind of this contoversy. I need to investigate further, for I do not know what is actually happening at La Sierra except for what I can glean from these comments and a few emails. But if it is true that professors are teaching blatant macro evolutionary theory and have thrown out belief in a seven day literal creation, before sin entered the world, as the Bible teaches, then my advice would be the same as Ellen White’s. In her day, Battle Creek College had gone astray due to Dr. Kellogs pantheistic influence. Mrs. White warned the Adventist population about the apostasy and advised parents to no longer send their sons and daughters to that institution. Are SDA parents brave enough to do that? Perhaps that is what it will take to get the administrations attention (the pocketbook speaks loudly) to clean house and get rid of teachers who do not believe or support Bible teachings on creation. I came out of the public school world, educated in the themes and “facts” of evolution in all subjects and then discovered the beauty of pure Bible teachings as God has gifted the Seventh-day Adventist Church to teach in these last days. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been raised up by the LORD God to stand in the gap and teach an unpopular view (the Bible). How best for the enemy (satan) to attack and try to destroy God’s pure word than to attack from within God’s last day remnant movement of truth. It is time for the leaders that God has allowed to be in place at this time in our church’s history to “buck up or stay in the truck” to use an old hunting phrase. Put on the whole armor of God, in other words, and follow the rules of Church discipline. This is not a time to be fearful to take action. Pray, pray, pray and “buck up.” If the university refuses to be held accoubtable to such discipline, then it is time for churches to stop sending their financial support to such universties. I pray for God’s divine intervention. Remember, Ellen White also wrote that the church will look like it is going to fall, but it will not fall. Everybody, every individual needs to know where they stand on these issues and especially where they stand in their daily and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Or as the Apostle Paul wrote, “Be ready in season and out of season to give an answer for what you believe…” Buck up!