This sordid situation is beyond rational belief. Here we have …

Comment on LSU responds to Michigan Conference by Ellis Adams.

This sordid situation is beyond rational belief. Here we have LSU telling us that they are part of the faithful church while defending their open promotion of Darwinian evolution in certain of their science classes. The GC needs to take immediate corrective action at LSU.

Recent Comments by Ellis Adams

Video show LSU undermining church doctrine
The second video lecture advocating the days of creation being days of “inauguration” rather days involving (creative) “initiation” is really nothing but evolution in disguish. How cunning.

Board requests progress reports from LSU administration
The LSU Board’s affirmation supporting the SDA stand on Biblical creationism is a step in the right direction. But it is only an affirmation in words, not in action. Therefore, I would like to kindly suggest that the LSU Board promptly exercise adequate displinary action to eliminate the teaching of Darwinian Evolution as a scientific fact in the LSU classrooms. Those professors that cannot tolerate SDA beliefs on this subject should be honest and mature enough to voluntarily remove themselves from LSU employment for the sake of the students.