Erik, I thought Jesus use of “you are gods,” taken from …

Comment on LSU responds to Michigan Conference by Jim.


I thought Jesus use of “you are gods,” taken from Psalm 82:6 and as used in John 10:34, was addressing Rabbinical tradition and the “unjust” judges of His day, not Adam and Eve’s disobedience. As to “be wise to the ways of the serpent,” He simply implied, “be alert.”

Jim Also Commented

LSU responds to Michigan Conference
First, read Gen. 3:1-5. Next, insert “evolution” for the “tree” in the midst of the Garden. Now, note that the serpent said, “you will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” That much being so, why does anyone have to be educated concerning a lie.? All intelligent beings need to know in order to spread the gospel is …the gospel. So why all the dialog? I do not need to know the mecahnics of an aircraft if I want to buy a plane ticket. Matter of fact, I don’t need – or want – to eat anything more off that tree with the serpent in it. Getting an education in evolution is not my salvation. Jesus and His atoning sacrifice IS. You want an education? Get God. Get saved. And get going. Because He’s coming back soon. Probably sooner than LSU is ready for. Because if they believe in evolution AND the return of Jesus, then they probably think He’s coming back alright, in a few hundred million years or so.