Hollow words, Shane. …

Comment on [6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign by Al Scott.

Hollow words, Shane.

Recent Comments by Al Scott

WASC Reviews LSU’s Accreditation

Steve&#032Shedell: To rephrase the above quote and apply it to the present situation:
“The time is not far distant when the test will come to every SDA Institution. The observance of the false sabbath will be urged upon our schools as condition for continued accreditation.”

There are really only two reasons to want accreditation: (a) so SDA students can get government financial assistance; and (b) so SDA students can go on to other accredited schools. Maybe it’s time to urge that all our academies and colleges withdraw from accreditation and go back to the model originally used when the schools were formed. The cost to parents and students would be great, but the sacrifice would enable our schools to avoid compromising on these issues.