BobRyan: Ok — so the firings have everything to do …

Comment on [6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign by Shane Hilde.

BobRyan: Ok — so the firings have everything to do with the evolution controversy at LSU – because they are directly related to the “solution chosen” for that controversy and the demonstrated fact that the wolf-in-better-sheeps-clothing solution is not working as they seem to have imagined that it would work.

I don’t think we should assume that. It’s quite clear that this had nothing to do with the biology issue, and that Bradley happened to be one of the four is due more to his part he played. Someone posted an alleged email from him at Spectrum. I’ve been really surprised at how much is being leaked from LSU to Spectrum. It’s like they want everyone to know what is going on now:

To: My treasured friends and colleagues
From: Gary Bradley

On Friday, June 10, 2011, I signed a letter resigning from the faculty position that I have enjoyed for 39 years. Since such an action always precipitates much speculation and many rumors, I want you to know exactly what happened and why.

Recently a secret tape of a private conversation among four friends was released and distributed widely in the SDA church hierarchy. A professional transcript of that tape was prepared, albeit with some mistakes in identifying the speaker. I participated in that conversation, was confronted therewith in the Friday meeting, and agreed with much, but not all, of what was ascribed to me. This conversation has already been mischaracterized and is being used in further attempts to discredit La Sierra University.
I signed the resignation letter that had been prepared for me for two reasons. First, I believe that the best way for La Sierra University to come through this fiasco is for a “head to roll.” Second, I admitted to consuming a small glass of an alcoholic beverage during this conversation. On the first count, everything I have tried to do for the past 39 years has been to help La Sierra University to succeed. On the second count, I can only say mea culpa.

Needless to say, I am devastated. I feel like my very soul has been ripped from my body. My entire life since I began teaching 46 years ago has been dedicated to Adventist education. I’m not ready to quit and I grieve the loss of the classroom where I have had such rewarding interactions with the wonderful people who are my students. I have many important projects underway here now and many other people will be inconvenienced by my sudden departure. I can only say that I am deeply sorry and will try my utmost to earn redemption.

If you are among those who welcome this transition, I request that you celebrate with dignity. If you are among those who find this transition upsetting, I ask that you not turn it into a war. Please continue to do what you can to make La Sierra University the best and most progressive SDA university in the world.

Shane Hilde Also Commented

[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign
@Casey: What is it you think Educate Truth is doing that is wrong and petty? Has something been published here that isn’t true?

[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign
All this legal talk etc. is a bunch of hot air. I will be extremely surprised if anything legal comes of this.

[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign
Judging by the reaction of the four to the recording being made public to the board, I think it’s safe to assume that what was on the recording was more incriminating than the alcohol.

Recent Comments by Shane Hilde

Private Recorded Conversation Prompts La Sierra Resignations

Ron&#32Stone&#32M&#46D&#46: then he “accidentally” recorded the private meeting, right?

That’s exactly right. He must have not bothered to play it back. I think the meeting was a couple hours according to the LSU news release. But basically he didn’t know he had recorded him and the others and then posted it without checking his recording.

The ANN Highlights LSU’s Dr. Lee Grismer – An Evolutionary Biologist

Eddie: Doesn’t LSU’s administration deserve at least a little bit of credit?

I think so. There are some very dedicated individuals on the board.I have no doubt they’re doing everything they can to address this issue.

Blasphemy of a Different Kind
@Ron Stone M.D.: I agree. LSU has not been a shining light for our church. That’s unfortunate. That might be the case for other schools as well.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
@Alexander Carpenter: I would readily agree since Educate Truth supports the biblical account of creation and disagrees with the handling of the topic in the biology department. This was a political move by Wisbey to gain power on the board. He now has three less who oppose him.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
@David Read: Board members and even former board members are not allowed to discuss what has happened in board meetings. The only thing I confirmed with Tooma was whether she had conversed with the biology faculty and she made it very clear she never had. She was only presented with the joint statement and wanted to support it. This statement was seen as a big step for the biology department because Wisbey had been keeping them silent for over two years and they were now making constructive advances to dialogue with the church. I disagree with what they said, but I think it’s great their talking now. I suspect Wisbey isn’t happy with the biology department. It wouldn’t make any sense for him to only be upset with the board members since he allegedly embraces what they are doing. Doubtful though given his reaction and double standard.