We need to ask questions and investigate with generous spirits, …

Comment on The Reptile King by Megan.

We need to ask questions and investigate with generous spirits, not look for evidence to condemn people. This article does not provide context (especially for the PowerPoint slide) or an opportunity for its subject to respond. Isn’t it best to speak directly to the person? And isn’t it best to try to understand the larger picture and context? Most importantly, isn’t it best to treat other human beings with compassion rather than publicly demonize them (literally)?

Let’s stop hurling accusations and using Jesus’ words to, quite hypocritically and backhandedly, command one another to be kind. We want people to be kind to us without having to be kind ourselves.

Open and compassionate dialogue will save the church because there IS no church without relationships formed between those who want to seek God together. That is what a church IS.

Hearing about evolutionary theory is not the main reason people leave the church; the main reason people leave is because they see a hypocrisy and a lack of compassion in other church members. Jesus didn’t gain followers by arguing, he gained followers by loving people, healing people, providing for people. This infighting is making us an ugly, literally repulsive church (in that it repels people). I love my church, but the comments here make me feel sick and worried about our future viability. I believe that my responsibility to the church is to help shape it by STAYING in it and making sure other people feel that they are welcome at God’s table (NOT my table or the Adventist church’s table).

God wants us ALL. So shouldn’t we feel the same way and treat other people as though we want them at the table?