@pauluc: So do I understand correctly that your “faith” is …

Comment on The End of “Junk DNA”? by Charles.


So do I understand correctly that your “faith” is subject to your scientific provabilities?

You have not yet addressed what I asked about demonstrating from whence comes “life”? Do you believe that life could exist apart from a miracle working God? Do you believe in miracles? Or do you believe that God is just a very brilliant scientist or magician? OR… is it all just a hoax to persuade us to (whatever)…

At what point do we acknowledge our limitations and that our observations can deceive us?

For what reason was the SDA church founded? Is that reason relative to the reason for its continued existence today?

The name of the church was carefully chosen to reflect the reason for its existence. The “Seventh-Day” refers to the holiness of the the seventh day of the week – in memorial of the literal seven day creation week. The “Adventist” part of the name proclaims that we believe that Jesus is coming again very soon in a very miraculous, splendid, and un-scientific way. BUT, the reason for the existence of this church is the proclamation of these things we believe to be true. It’s not just a club of folks who hold these “beliefs” – although it could sometime seem that way.

No, the seven days of creation were not vast periods of evolutionary development and the clouds of Heaven are not going to be space ships. But in all honesty, from viewing what you write, I would not know what to expect that you believe, relative to our existence and the advent of Jesus in the near future.

I speak in respect to you, with honesty.

I see truth, not as progressive, but absolute. Our perceptions about truth can be progressive or regressive.

Prov 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but…..

Do you believe what you observe? Or do you believe the record that was provided by the Creator?

You claim to be a Seventh-Day Adventist, it seems. I wonder, just what is it about the SDA faith (it seems inapproprate to me to label it as a “tradition”) that, for you, distinguishes it from other “religions”? What is the compelling doctrine or belief that drives you to choose this faith over the abundance of others that are in the world?

Again, with all due respect, I honestly wonder.

Charles Also Commented

The End of “Junk DNA”?
I found something this morning that seems so appropriate for this forum and chain. I just want to share it here.

“The Sadducees had flattered themselves that they of all men adhered most strictly to the Scriptures. But Jesus showed that they had not known their true meaning. That knowledge must be brought home to the heart by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Their ignorance of the Scriptures and the power of God He declared to be the cause of their confusion of faith and darkness of mind. They were seeking to bring the mysteries of God within the compass of their finite reasoning. Christ called upon them to open their minds to those sacred truths that would broaden and strengthen the understanding. Thousands become infidels because their finite minds cannot comprehend the mysteries of God. They cannot explain the wonderful exhibition of divine power in His providences, therefore they reject the evidences of such power, attributing them to natural agencies which they can comprehend still less. The only key to the mysteries that surround us is to acknowledge in them all the presence and power of God. Men need to recognize God as the Creator of the universe, One who commands and executes all things. They need a broader view of His character, and of the mystery of His agencies.” {DA 605.5}

The End of “Junk DNA”?
From Last Day Events, p 176.

“Science, so-called, and religion will be placed in opposition to each other because finite men do not comprehend the power and greatness of God. These words of Holy Writ were presented to me, ‘Of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them’ [Acts 20:30]. This will surely be seen among the people of God.— Ev593 (1890).

I am reading about “the end” and I consider the writing of EW to be inspired information about final events. I ran across the above statement and wanted to share it here.

If you buy into the notion of our existence being explained by an evolutionary process, then perhaps the words of George Bush (below) would make more sense to you.

President Bush’s speech to Congress – March 6, 1991:
“Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. In the words of Winston Churchill, a “world order” in which “the principles of justice and fair play … protect the weak against the strong …” A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfil the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations.”

The question rises again and again in this forum. Are we as humans advancing? Or or we declining?

Without intervention by God, do we perfect our societies and evolve to higher planes of existence? Or do we decline and finally perish?

Two quite opposite views, yes? No?

The End of “Junk DNA”?

More than a half-century has passed since I first attended an SDA school. I know what we believe.

With all due respect, sir, you appear to be among the vast throng who believe differently, your SDA label notwithstanding.

And please believe me, I mean no disrespect. You are a descendant from Adam and Eve, (created about 6,000 years ago), just as I am. That makes us brothers. Still what you say in your words cannot be reconciled with SDA belief.

Recent Comments by Charles

2013 Annual Council Votes to Change Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6
No matter how the FBs are worded, there will be contention about it.

Anyone who has fully embraced this message realizes that the days to Jesus’ coming are few. Thus it behooves us to be about the work of proclaiming the unique ADVENTIST message to a world that is facing impending doom.

May I suggest the sermons of Jeremiah Davis. (can be found on Youtube)

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@gene fortner: I don’t think anyone really knows what powers were being exercised on 9/11. Clearly the airliners were involved.

It was an event that changed the world in ways that top-down powers would yearn for.

No point in speculation… I think Veith probably was mistaken to do that deep dive and it seems that he has quietly backed away from it.

The thing we must focus on is to “Turn your eyes upon Jesus….” Clearly, we are in “the last days”.

LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department
@David Read: I find Veith’s “theorizing” regarding “conspiracies” to be spot on and on topic.

There is a great “conspiracy” – otherwise known as “The Great Controversy”. It is the ultimate reality of our rebellious little world today. AND it is the foundation of all of these other problems we deal with.


LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department
Evidence that God is in control. LSU could become a beacon of light shining on the truth of our world an how we came to be here. That is as it should be.

La Sierra University gets 3-year AAA Accreditation
I believe we are involved in a Mount Carmel experience. As this world is hurling toward the great climactic “END”, we will see more and greater attacks against the truth by the great deceiver. The prophets of Baal will become bolder and more feverish. (Remember that the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel were much from within the nation of Israel.)

What a day of reckoning it will be when “at such a time as we think not” that great cloud approaches this world. The signs today are loud and bold. Jesus is coming. Spread the word.