@Pauluc: As a Seventh-day Adventist graduate student, I would be …

Comment on The Adventist Accrediting Association to Approve LSU’s Accreditation by A servant.

@Pauluc: As a Seventh-day Adventist graduate student, I would be happy to have a teacher like Dr. Pitman in my program. As can be seen by his reply, he is by no means the first Adventist leader to suggest that the earth existed for a long period before the creation of life. If you have any objective dispute or material counterarguments to what he presented in his reply to you, I’d like to hear them. I’m open-minded, but I find that he has made a strong logical case for his position.

At this time, I would respectfully suggest that Dr. Pitman’s teaching far better represents traditional Adventist views than the teaching of many of the biology faculty at La Sierra. This should come as no surprise to long-time readers of this website.

A servant Also Commented

The Adventist Accrediting Association to Approve LSU’s Accreditation
@Shawna Moses: Now Shawna, I believe that God desires to guide Sean to do His will, and that Sean wants to do God’s will.

It is certainly not necessary for Sean to be employed by LSU for him to express concerns about it. Many other SDAs have similar concerns. Any Adventist who firmly believes the Genesis 1 account to be literal fact would not be happy for our church funds to finance an institution dedicated to undermining this basic value. Sean has just as much right to share his concerns as anyone else, regardless of where he works or the calling the Lord has given him. Surely you can see light in this.

The Adventist Accrediting Association to Approve LSU’s Accreditation
This is absolutely unacceptable. We expect the General Conference to maintain accountability of Adventist institutions. Remember this when you elect your representatives to the 2015 General Conference Session.

And I agree that proof of change in syllabi or lecture notes is necessary. Remember that the last three years have shown repeated political showmanship on the part of LSU. Remember the “La Sierra 4”? Does anyone really expect the fox to guard faithfully the henhouse?

Recent Comments by A servant

Believing the Disproven – An Adventure in Science
@Sean Pitman:
Sean, there are a lot more people that read your site and agree, although they do not comment because they may not be able precisely to articulate a defense against the attacks made on those who speak.

Believing the Disproven – An Adventure in Science
No, Paul, you are again mistaken. Sean’s position is completely intellectually sound. It just rests on different presuppositions than yours. After years of thorough investigation, I hold the same position as Sean, that any faith tradition that is to influence our behavior in the real world needs to be supported by real-world falsifiable evidence.

Your position seems to rests on the assumption that we believe God without a reason to do so. But you have never given a clear answer to why we should believe in God versus Krishna, tree spirits, or gurus. Do you have a direct answer to this? You evade this question every time Sean or someone else asks it. Worshippers of Krishna or tree spirits have faith, too.

Dr. Jason Rosenhouse “Among the Creationists”
@A Servant:

Hi Dr. Rosenhouse! I have been watching for your reply, but have seen none. It makes it hard for me to favor your arguments if you don’t have a good response to the counterarguments Pitman has presentet. I would still enjoy hearing your reply to Pitman’s specific points in this article.

Dr. Jason Rosenhouse “Among the Creationists”
Hi Dr. Rosenhouse,

I am a graduate student and frequent visitor to this site, and am pleased to see your comment to his article. I appreciate what I sense is a collegial approach on your part to a sensitive topic.

I have independently arrived at similar conclusions as Dr. Pitman has, and am wondering if you have any experimental data with which to counter the argument he presents in this article. I am open-minded to arguments from both sides, and would give your thoughts fair consideration if you wish to share further. Thanks for considering this!

Bringing the Real World to Genesis: Why Evolution is an Idea that Won’t Die—IV [A Review]
Professor Kent, it appears that you have no objective response to Dr. Pitman’s presentation of research that counteracts Long’s position. No review of the paper Pitman present, no discussion of why it truly reflects the existing regulatory pathways of hemoglobin synthesis. Only some ad hominem arguments again. Such approaches do not gain respect among graduate science students such as myself, especially those who are so open-minded that they would adopt either creation or evolutionary philosophy if they could see that one was much more likely to be the natural history of the universe.

Please keep your comments to addressing the relative merits or demerits of your counterpart’s position. I don’t claim that Pitman is inspired (I doubt he would either), but he is cogently referencing data that needs either to be confirmed or refuted. If you have evidence-based refutations, make them available.