9-19-10 Ken says: “On the other hand science operates independently of faith …

Comment on New NAD president: ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean we won’t deal with issues by Lydian Belknap.


Ken says:

“On the other hand science operates independently of faith or non faith as an universal tool of objective inquiry. That is why I trust its non biased focus.”

Sean says:
“And how do you know that the Bible is the “living Word of God” without the use of at least some form of human reasoning from the available evidence? – i.e., a form of scientific reasoning? How can you know that you have accurately picked out the true Word of God from the many competing options? Upon what is your choice in the Bible based?”

Ken: as I have said before, I am NOT a scientist and I’m not going to even begin to try to convince you (or Sean) about anything from science. To begin with–I can’t, and if I could I wouldn’t. My faith is not founded on “science” but on the living Word of God. (And, to be honest, the statement that science has a “non biased focus” is questionable from my point of view.)

(I originally wrote this to Ken last night and when I was getting ready to post it Sean’s question popped up.)

(Sean, as an Adventist, I’m sure you are familiar with the following prophecy–as well as many others in the Bible and, frankly, i’m am somewhat surprised at your question but I’m sure you had a good reason for asking it. I have no way of knowing how much of Bible Prophecy Ken is aware of so wrote it from the viewpoint that he is not familiar with these prophecies so tried to write it with that in mind. Since it was originally written for Ken I’m going to post it just as I wrote it.)

My answer to both of your questions is founded on one thing–Bible Prophecy– and I hope you will humor a very old woman by finding a Bible and following along what I have to say. (I use a NKJV study Bible)

Turn to the book of Daniel, chapter 2. (In Chapter 1 Daniel and his three companions were taken captives by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon–a person long ridiculed by scientist as never have even existed until archeology, once again, proved them wrong.)

Please follow along in the Bible:

The four young men had since been educated in the best schools of Babylon (Chapter 1) and were now considered part of the “wise men” who attended the king.

One night the king had a dream which he could not remember but it impressed him so much that it woke him up from a sound sleep. He was sure the dream was something important but he didn’t know what. He immediately summoned all his wise men to demand that they not only tell him what the dream MEANT but what the dream WAS. (verse 5) For some reason Daniel and his three friends were not among those called. (I can understand why God kept him away from that first meeting with the king.)

The wise men protested that no king had ever asked such a thing and anyway, “only the gods could know that.” The king was furious and commanded that ALL the wise men (including Daniel and his three friends) were to be put to death. (Vs. 13).

When the soldiers came to get Daniel he went before the king and asked for time and he would tell the king his dream. (Vs. 16). This was granted and Daniel and his three friends held what was undoubtedly the most urgent prayer meeting of their lives! God answered, gave Daniel the dream, and prayers of thanks and praise ascended to heaven. (Vs. 20-23).

The next day Daniel went before the king and not only told him what the dream WAS–but also what it MEANT. “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets and HE has made known …what will be in the latter days.” (Vs. 28)

God had shown the king a huge image–the head was of gold, the chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze and legs of iron (Vs. 32), its feet of iron mixed clay. (Vs.33).

While the king watched, a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and it struck the image on its feet and broke it in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff…the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. and the stone…became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” Vs.34,35.

Daniel went on to say that “YOU, O king…are this head of gold.” Vs. 37, 38-40. (that this meant the kingdom of Babylon under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar is shown in vs.36–38 “after you shall arise another KINGDOM inferior to yours, then another, a third KINGDOM, of bronze…and the fourth KINGDOM shall be strong as iron, inasmuch as iron beaks in pieces and shatters everything, and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and be crushed with all the others.”

Look in any history book of ancient history and you will find that these four great empires were Babylon followed by Media-Persia, Greece and the “iron kingdom” of Rome. Amazing, isn’t it–in 4 short verses (37-40) God revealed to a heathen king a “timetable’ of history that has come to pass just as God said it would!

But the dream didn’t stop here–Vs. 48-42 show that the mighty Roman Empire would NOT be followed by another “world kingdom” but it would be divided and even though there were many who tried everything within their power to reunite Europe into one great nation again it would never happen! And it never has. Instead, the kingdom of Rome was broken up and smaller nations took its place.

These ‘divided kingdoms’ would continue in one form or another until the “stone” struck the image on it’s feet, destroyed every earthly kingdom and “filled the whole earth.” That this “stone” represents the return of Jesus who will have a kingdom that WILL “fill the whole earth” is amply verified by other Bible verses. Since I need to keep this as short as possible, I won’t go into those verses here.

So far, every part of this prophecy has been perfectly fulfilled and I can find no real reason to doubt that the rest of it (and others) will also be fulfilled in their order. (Prophecy has a much better “batting average” than evolution has as for as I am concerned!)

This is only one of many great prophecies of the Bible that give us an understanding of where we stand in the line of history–and if my God can foretell the future so exactly I have full confidence that He can be trusted to tell the past–regardless of what puny man may say–or whatever “science” he can bring forth to “support” his claims!!

I am no enemy of true science–which (from which I have read at times but haven’t felt the need to really dig into it.) I believe it fully supports a young earth but I, personally, can’t see me, at my age, spending hours studying into it since prophecy fills MY need to “know” where truth lies… Bible prophecy (and there is a LOT more of it–some of which I may post at another time) may not answer your questions but it does mine and so is good enough for me to plant my faith on.

Personally, from my view point, I can’t see arguing all these “scientific points” back and forth (and back and forth again and again and again) has done much good. It takes up a lot of time and space on this site and I, for one, haven’t seen that anyone has changed their mind on how they see things as a result. What I have written may not change any minds either. After all..”a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” But (hopefully) at least you may better understand how I see things–and why. (And I feel quite sure there are a lot of other folks out there who see things the same way!)

All the best……


Lydian Belknap Also Commented

New NAD president: ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean we won’t deal with issues
@Sean Pitman:


“The same thing is true of prophecy. Just because one can demonstrate very accurate foreknowledge doesn’t mean that this individual is really God. It just means that we can’t tell the difference between someone with such power and what we would recognize as ‘God’.” – Sean Pitman

Sean, you have me completely confused. If you can’t base your belief in God because of prophecy what can you base it on? You certainly can’t base it on human science.

(As someone once said to an extremely intelligent friend of mine: “Sir, you need to put the “cookies” on a lower shelf so the children can reach them!”)

New NAD president: ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean we won’t deal with issues
Oops! I really messed up on that one. Of course the Bible and EGW are correct and the earth is only about six thousand years old. I apologize.

New NAD president: ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean we won’t deal with issues

Another thought: The earth–which was without “form and void” –was also apparently around for who knows how long before God turned it into paradise and put life on it. So, to me anyway, arguments about the age of the EARTH are worthless and a waste of time. We will spend eternity learning more and more of the wonderful works of our Creator God! I can hardly wait!

Recent Comments by Lydian Belknap

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
Larry, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Just get rid of those who teach and and support that which is contrary to the 28 SDA fundamental beliefs.

The reality of creation is the basis of our name
This is a wonderful sermon. Due to problems with my Hope Chanel system I was unable to listen to it so was delighted to see it printed on your website. I was able to make a printed copies of it to share with some friends who also were not able to hear it. Thanks so much!

LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict

A short while back a dear friend sent me an email with lots of beautiful pictures showing a garden (somehow I lost the site) in which every bush had been transformed into a bird, an animal–even a child. It was absolutely magnificent!

As I looked at one of the amazing displays I started wondering what would happen if I was actually in that garden and approached a group of people who were also enjoying the beauty it held. And if after a few moments I said something like this:

“This is so beautiful–and to think Nature did it all on her own! It is truly amazing of what she can do if people will just back off and let her do her own thing.”

What would their reaction have been? (I suspect they would have thought I was somewhat deranged and slowly backed away and left before I became violent!)

Obviously that garden had a lot of very talented hands (and minds) behind all of that beauty and I suspect they were there every day clipping away the stray twigs and leaves that started appearing here and there.)

But is my disbelief in evolution unreasonable, and show my lack of knowledge (as some scientists contend), when I question that this beautiful world just “evolved” from chaos with no intelligent mind behind it? Why can’t we see it happening today? Who turned off the switch? And why?

I’m not a scientist but if this isn’t a case of “The Emperor Has No Clothes” I don’t know what one would be. We are often overwhelmed with the many wonderful and useful things humans have come up with that makes our lives more livable but every new invention or other things ALWAYS have a creative mind behind them. Why is it so difficult to recognize that the wonderful world we live in HAD to have an intelligent mind behind it? What ever happened to common sense?


A New Endowment Program for Adventist Education
So here I sit–a “very old lady”–totally confused and not having a clue as to whether to donate or not–or where to donate if I should.

As things stand now I think I will just continue putting my own little amount to my current “missionary out reach” of buying “Steps to Christ” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” and passing them on to the clerks in the stores where I shop or other people I meet that I think would like them.

If and when you folks decide on what, how and where to help in this very worthy project let me know and I’ll do what I can then.

LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict
When Man’s wisdom–however intelligent it may sound, or how many “letters” there are behind someone’s name (or even a lot of “someones”) that proclaim it–if it contradicts a single plain “Thus saith the Lord” it is NOT “present truth!” however much it may appeal to the liberal minds of millions who may wish an easier way to get to heaven.

I fear we are a long way from being the “people of the Book” we once were! But, guess what!–God knew this would happen and He called the last of the seven churches “Laodicea.” Truly, we are saying, “I am rich…and have need of nothing.” (After all, folks didn’t have the brilliant scientists such as we have today when You told Moses–and even our Adventist pioneers
–You did it is six literal days and rested the seventh!)

I am NOT against true science or scientists! There definitely is a real place for it (and them) and I truly believe it is “God given.” I have a LOT of respect for true science and true scientists but when someone–anyone–goes against a plain “Thus saith the Lord” they lose me. (Not that these folks really care if a very “ignorant”, very “old lady” doesn’t believe them!) But God does and that’s enough for me!

As Bob said–“All have free will. To each his own.” I agree! (But I still tremble for those who believe ideas contrary to what God says–even if it comes from the mouth of a renowned scientist, an “Adventist” teacher or an “Adventist” preacher. (Please forgive me if I have misunderstood or misjudged anyone.)