I’ve had the opportunity work and teach at two of …

Comment on My Goal for La Sierra University by John Kannenberg.

I’ve had the opportunity work and teach at two of our SDA tertiary institutions.
One of then was unique. The vetting process done by the AdCom was quite thorough. It took more than just a buffed up resume’ and a letter of recommendation from my pastor to get hired there. Amongst the questions asked were things like Did my family practice daily worship?; What happened in 1844?; What was my view on popular sports?; What was my view on the Second Coming?; What is the Later Rain?; What kind of health and diet lifestyle did I lead in my home?

A bit more in-depth than your usual interview. And the reason is that they wanted every faculty member to be on the same page. None of this two-faced business where one teacher and the school cafeteria promote vegetarianism yet the Physics or Bible instructor are inviting students over for hamburgers.

There’s nothing so damaging as hypocrisy in education. Students see. The public sees it. We’ve got LSU faculty boozing it up and nobody’s got a problem? That’s hypocrisy.

The ultimate concern at LSU should be the STUDENTS!!! The rights of the four with loose tongues are secondary to them.

If nothing more is done, then Ricardo Graham and others have got some answering to do.

John Kannenberg Also Commented

My Goal for La Sierra University
Here’s an old favorite joke of mine:

Scientists: “Well, that’s it. We’ve solved the mysteries of life. We now have in our power to ability to manipulate the genome and, indeed, create new life forms. We don’t need God anymore. Who’ll go tell God we don’t need Him anymore?”

Scientist X: I’ll go!

Later, Scientist X and God meet….

Scientist X: “Well God, that’s it. We can create life and don’t need you anymore. We wish you’d just go away.

God: “Oh, no problem. I’d be happy to go away; under one condition.”

Scientist X: “What’s that?”

God: “Let’s have a creation competition to see who can create the best life form. If you win, I’ll go away, okay?”

Scientist X: “Agreed!” (This will be easy thinks the scientist)

God: “Okay, you go first”

Scientist X reaches down into the soil to begin assembling the basic elements for life…

God: “Hey, wait a minute. What do you think you’re doing? Go get your own dirt!”

My Goal for La Sierra University
LSU Alumnus 1996 wrote:
“My parents, teachers, friends, pastors, doctors – all them SDA – generally understood that the creation story simply cannot be true.”

This statement ranks right up there with Lutherans, especially of the ELCA branch, which have officially repudiated most every point of theology which Martin Luther lived and died for i.e. The Papacy is the seat of the anti-Christ, the primacy of Scripture, justification by faith etc… And yet these same people call themselves L-U-T-H-E-R-A-N-S!! The name you take defines the creed you follow.

If you, your parents, your doctors, your teachers and others don’t believe in the creation story, they and you aren’t Seventy-day Adventists. That’s the whole idea behind the name “Seventh-day”. God created world in 7 days. A person can’t vote Republican all the time and still call themselves a Democrat.

We, of course, could go into the “science” that you’d like to bring to the table but my guess is you’d soon turn the conversation to other things. It happens EVERY TIME I converse with evolutionists. They want to discuss the science only. I say fine, let’s do it. But they soon try to change the conversation. Why? Because they themselves don’t really, truly believe in the scientific method. Evolutionary theory is not based upon the scientific method. It is based upon feelings. BTW, I usually only use the frank and revealing words of professed evolutionary scientists to turn themselves back on their heads. Ha!

It’s like when last year, Stephen Hawking said that the universe came from—–nothing! It just appeared. It just happened. Oh the hilarity!!!
And can you just hear the evolutionists around academia cringing when they hear a statement like that? Some are more honest with THEMSELVES. They understand that evolutionary thought is largely a branch of philosophy, not science. And they fear that the Creation group will gain an upper hand when guys like Hawking kind of accidentally pull back the curtain and show us what evolutionary thought really is—smoke, mirrors, and a religion which countenances no open investigation of it.

My Goal for La Sierra University
Charles wrote:
“I was visiting recently with a coal miner who had spent several years working in the mines of West Virginia. I was stunned to learn that he spent much of that time very deep in the earth – as much as 3 miles deep. The veins of coal were as much as 10 ft thick. He told me of seeing much fossilized animal remains in with the coal but nothing much recognizable as a whole creature.”

As a follow up, anyone interested could contact SDA pastor Michael Olenik about this. He has photographs taken when he himself visited deep within a coal mine in Russia. And what do you suppose was embedded within the coal all those hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet underground? A large wheel…….

You disbelievers in the flood out there got some splainin’ to do!

Recent Comments by John Kannenberg

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued
And yet I think of God letting Ellen White listen in on a meeting Satan had with his angels WHEN HE WAS PLOTTING AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF GOD.
The parallel is at once both exact and sad.

Javier wrote:
” I’m not about to listen to the recordings. I had the opportunity but decided it was completely unethical to do so. The recordings are of a private conversation that was inadvertently made without the intent of others listening. At Spectrum a while back several SDA lawyers were discussing the recordings when a former SDA pitched by saying he had the opportunity to listen and refused to because it was highly inappropriate, and asked his partners if they would, and they said no. It’s sad that non-SDA’s have higher ethical standards than SDA’s.”

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued
Where to find it to listen to it?

>> John Kannenberg: @Bob Pickle:>>Bob Pickle: Looks like the recording these guys want kept a secret will eventually be made a part of the public court record. Not a great way to keep it all hush hush, eh?<<How are they able to keep it a secret? I thought it was already out there in the public for all to hear, isn’t it?

I’ve listened to it. And I believe thousands of others have too. Why are we continuing to pretend it is some kind of secret document? Shouldn’t the church members hear what the matter is all about and decide for themselves whether these men deserve to fired or kept at La Sierra?

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued
@Bob Pickle:
>>Bob Pickle: Looks like the recording these guys want kept a secret will eventually be made a part of the public court record. Not a great way to keep it all hush hush, eh?<<
How are they able to keep it a secret? I thought it was already out there in the public for all to hear, isn't it?

Intelligent Design – Science or Religion?
One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. Joshua 23:10

The Reptile King
You guys who post here a dozen times each day…. get a life!!!