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Comment on LSU student petition criticizes curriculum by R. Skau.

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Recent Comments by R. Skau

Perspectives from alleged LSU students

F. Weber: Positive action needed: It is imperative that positive action be taken in General Conference session as soon as possible to reword Belief 6 to reflect the complete Seventh-day Adventist definition, teaching, and belief regarding Creation as is now present in “A Response to an Affirmation of Creation” which, as mentioned above, has already been voted by the General Conference Executive Committee in 2004.

If the GC Executive committee felt it important enough to vote this clarification, shouldn’t it be included as part and parcel of FB6? Revising the statements found in the Church Manual is a legitimate function that occurs at every General Conference session, and I believe there should be a recommendation from every church constituency to revise FB6 to reflect the statements found in the document voted by the GC Executive Council so that this can be voted at the GC in Atlanta.