Well, Prof, perhaps the Board and its committee could use …

Comment on LSU Board committee reports on allegations by Ron Stone M.D..

Well, Prof, perhaps the Board and its committee could use its power of overseer to actually get any records of what was allegedly taught, either printed, recorded, or whatever. Then, the information should be studied to see whether the alleged “infractions” actually occurred, instead of wondering whether someone thought they might have heard of seen something wrong.

As part of their duties the Board, according to LSU bylaws, is the “final authority” in matters related to the LSU.

As such, it can “order and control all affairs and business” of LSU.

“…evaluate the effectiveness of policies and personnel…”

“…make changes in harmony with the goals, philosophy, and objectives of the university…”

I ask the Board to simply perform its given duties, instead of avoiding the real issue and smokescreening matters with a ” vague statement and a survey.!

Ron Stone M.D. Also Commented

LSU Board committee reports on allegations
One of the classic ways of using ineptness, as we see in the Board, is demonstrated by the LSU administration,in the article in the April Recorder (p.37) Randall Wisbey states, “some of our students have felt that their belief in creation has not always been respected.”

Notice how Wisbey continues the emphasis(initiated by the Board) on how the STUDENTS perception is the focus, instead of the actual issue which we have been discussing here. How they have “felt” and “their belief” is somehow the major issue to be addressed, instead of what the PROFS have been teaching in the classrooms.

He states that “this is not acceptable” But what is “not acceptable” is not the TEACHING of “evolution as fact” (since this is not addressed) but the students’ perception of what has been taught.

How Wisbey is going to change these perceptions is not stated either.

Dan Jackson (Pres. NAD) doesn’t give us much hope either. (same article) He states, “I want to commend the board for their work in preparing this statement. He has nothing to say about what they have actually “done” since the Board has done virtually nothing of any substance.

LSU Board committee reports on allegations
Can anyone explain, in a logical way, why the Committee didn’t actually listen to and read the actual evidence from the Profs” lectures to determine what was truly said about evolution. (Some of which has been provided on this website) Certainly this would not be too difficult, although it would take some time and effort. [edit]

LSU Board committee reports on allegations

Eddie: I think you’re disrespecting the intelligence of both the commitee members and students.Nobody is shifting the blame to the students. Committee members knew all along that this controversy would never have blown up in the first place if there hadn’t been one or more professors who had promoted theistic evolution. Slander them if you wish, but I think they deserve your respect.

No slander in my post. Their actions speak for themselves.

If you think that taking a “survey” of what someone “thought” they heard is the best way to investigate this matter, then you would obviously be a good candidate for the Board or for their committee.

I will begin to “respect” the Board when and if it starts to deserve respect in this matter!

Recent Comments by Ron Stone M.D.

The ANN Highlights LSU’s Dr. Lee Grismer – An Evolutionary Biologist

Faith: Prof Kent:How do you figure that this site keeps biology profs with integrity out of LSU? Any professor that is following the Bible, supporting creation, and the SDA church has nothing to hide and nothing to fear.When you say “quality” applicants, just how do you judge their credentials?As far as I am concerned, it is far more important that these professors have a firm grasp on the teachings of creation and the teachings of the Bible than any credentials the world can offer. If that had been the criteria used as a guideline for hiring, we wouldn’t be in this mess now. And that goes for all our SDA institutions.

I agree, Faith. However, the type of leadership (Guy,Geraty,and Wisbey)LSU has had over the past two decades shows why we have evolutionists teaching “evolution as fact” at LSU and those supporting any type of creationism being intimidated, both students, and I would suspect faculty as well.

Does the LSU Board even care about this deterioration in our biblical beliefs. Well, their inaction, ineptitude, and apathy in finding any solutions tell me they don’t, at least the majority who control the Board.

Private Recorded Conversation Prompts La Sierra Resignations
BTW, If you’re a beer or ale drinker, the best are the “darker” and more “robust” varieties, as these have more antioxidants and phytochemical.

Or, you could just eat some oatmeal, barley, or similar whole grain!

Blasphemy of a Different Kind

Shane&#032Hilde: @Ron Stone M.D.: I agree. LSU has not been a shining light for our church. That’s unfortunate. That might be the case for other schools as well.

I have much more knowledge of PUC, and it has as many or more problems as LSU, although these have been, so far, ignored by most. PUC thrives on its “high ratings” from U.S. News and World Report, etc. But, it would get much lower ratings if someone knowledgeable from an SDA rating agency actually did a thorough investigation of the school.

[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign

Adventist&#032kid: @Ron Stone M.D.:Continue to believe that if you want. Not a scientific sample to say the least, but I just asked roughly 80 high school graduates from this year whether they chose which school they were going to or if their parents did. I didn’t even get ten who said their parents limited their choices or prevented them from going to their first choice.

I’ll continue to believe what I actually see and hear, not some biased opinion from you.

[6/17/11 UPDATE] Two administrators, one biology professor, and one board member resign

David&#032Bee: @Ron Stone M.D.: Tenured professors have a formal protective process before they can be terminated. Both resigned possible from their tenured positions as well.

Do you know this or just a guess? I certainly hope they’re gone from LSU completely!