I meant to say, “I am thankful for Dr. Mills …

Comment on Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism by Tom Owiti.

I meant to say, “I am thankful for Dr. Mills comments….”

Tom Owiti Also Commented

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
@David Read:

Sigh! I thanks for Dr. Mills comments on Hazael. I hope that we will be awakened from complacency and realize that we will soon be betrayed by those who are within our ranks. The end is here, let us “watch and pray” and start looking up for our “salvation draweth nigh.”

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
@Sean Pitman:

Sean: Your argument that you “do not know if Dr. Geraty is or is not honestly blind to the truth…” is true. However, whereas you ascertion that “you have not idea if he is or is not in deliberate rebellion against what he knows in his heart to be true. Only God knows the answer to that question” is true, if we take it to its logical conclusion, then we have no business discussing his comments here or seeking action against LSU administrators and some faculty – we might as well let God be the judge and deal with it! That would be irresponsible of us. Although we cannot know people’s hearts, we can see their actions and respond accordingly. For example, what would you do if a church elder commits adultery? Does the fact that since we cannot determine whether he “knows in his heart” that adultery is wrong, we should not call it sin and disciple him? I respect your desire to not make this a forum for judging others, but that is what is going on in the various responses posted here. In my opinion, Dr. Geraty has been in high positions within the church, he understands the fundamental doctrines of the church and his choice to disregard these clear doctrines, especially in his latest statement amounts to rebellion.