I realize the Genesis account in verses 1,2 may leave …

Comment on Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism by Galen Comstock.

I realize the Genesis account in verses 1,2 may leave one wondering that something might have been here with an evolved origin: I think this quote from Ellen White makes it clear that all things were created in 6 days that humans can observe or see:

“If they had obeyed this commandment, they would have worshiped God, as they looked at the sun that rules the day, and the moon which rules the night. Everything in nature,–the tints and coloring that he has given to every opening bud and every blooming flower, the lofty tree, the grass that clothes the earth in its green mantle, would have spoken to the soul, bidding us to remember God and the commandment in which he says that he created all these in six days and rested on the seventh day, and hallowed the Sabbath day which he had made. He blessed man, and gave the Sabbath to him to be observed as a memorial of his creative power. But Satan has come in, and shown himself the decided enemy of man, and he seeks to make of none effect the work of God, and get in every conceivable thing of human origination, to hide God and his glory from our sight. The man of sin, it is declared in Daniel, “shall think to change times and laws,” And is not this very work done now? Is he not seeking to change times and laws? {RH, April 15, 1890 par. 11}

“He set apart that special day for man to rest from his labor, that, as he should look upon the earth beneath and the heavens above, he might reflect that God made all these in six days and rested upon the seventh; and that, as he should behold the tangible proofs of God’s infinite wisdom, his heart might be filled with love and reverence for his Maker.” {2T 582.3}

I think these along with the Genesis account, and the wording of the fourth commandment shoots down the evolution of a primoridal mass before the beginning of the 6 days of creation.

Galen Comstock Also Commented

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
Thank you Shane; we have used Ellen White as back up or ancillary proof, but we should always put the Bible first. I used Ellen White in my blog to affirm what we believe as stated in the Bible. EGW states it in unequivical language that what we observe and see in heaven and earth was created in six litteral days. If we as Adventists beleive in something other than a six litteral days of creation we also have to abandon our faith that God gave us the Spirit of Prophecy.

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
I once was in a dialog with Larry Geraty about the Coffee shop at LSU. As the then president he aptly defended the Coffee shop as being a necessary and beneficial element of LSU. In following his reasoning I guess if I thought I came from a monkey or a mollusk I would need some kind of neuropsychological obtundation. LOL

Recent Comments by Galen Comstock

Students and alumni sing LSU’s praises
If I said 2 + 2 equals 5, how could you be in disagreement with me, and not label my view as incorrect?

Students and alumni sing LSU’s praises
I once was in a dialog with Larry Geraty about the Coffee shop at LSU. As the then president he aptly defended the Coffee shop as being a necessary and beneficial element of LSU. In following his reasoning I guess if I thought I came from a monkey or a mollusk I would need some kind of neuropsychological obtundation. LOL