What is the best thing, the greatest thing we can …

Comment on Deal with LSU by Patrick.

What is the best thing, the greatest thing we can do for our leaders — pray for them or send them our tithe — when they fail to the most basic Biblical principles? Obviously, prayer and earnest supplication must be made to the Most High, so that a mighty angel will be sent from the throne of God so that the issue will stand forth to their minds with stark simplicity and clarity. This is the most wonderful thing we can do for them. Our tithe is by comparison and minor consideration, but it is the little we have, and perhaps God will multiply it’s effect and use the redirection of it to help simplify the “complex” issues at hand for the confused administrators.

Patrick Also Commented

Deal with LSU

Rich Constantinescu: Michael Adjei-Poku says, “my suggestion is that, we organize a boycott of the Pacific Union Conference and send our tithes elsewhere, perhaps to the Michigan Conference because they are doing a wonderful job in upholding what the SDA church stands for.”Let’s instead keep paying our tithe and pray for those in leadership who do want to do the right thing that they would have wisdom, skill and courage to do so. Withholding tithe from workers who may be sincerely doing things right with those who are not is taking the church reins into our hands instead of allowing God to take them in His. David didn’t agree with Saul, but he respected Saul’s anointing to leadership of the kingdom. I don’t think the ministers in church government are more guilty than Saul.God bless,Rich  (Quote)

Different times, different circumstances demand altered approaches. Touching the Lord’s annointed is one thing. Joining forces with God’s annointed is another. Let us not forsake godly discernment. We must lend our support to those who demonstrate by their deeds and words that they are annointed, that they are clearly and irrevocably on the Lord’s side. There is no virtue or call to support those who cannot bring themselves to stand stiffly for principle. Our words are apparently not enough to move or impress administration. I feel certain that a drastic redirection of funds will give us the only effective means at our disposal to communicate our support for those who are decidedly on the Lord’s side.

Recent Comments by Patrick

New NAD president: ‘I love you’ doesn’t mean we won’t deal with issues
Sounds like there’s a man with spine and a smile here. We watch and pray.

WASC considers outside efforts ‘threatening’ to LSU’s autonomy
@Frank Haynes: I’ve not seen or heard from Frank for thirty years, but I recognize that gentle spirit. However, I think hard speach is warranted my old friend, as it was back in the days of Paul and Jesus who were patient with those who did not know better, but not so much with those who should have known and practiced the truth but instead perverted it. (Matthew 18:17; I Cor. 5:9-13; and especially Gal. 1:9) Grace and peace to all the saints of God!

WASC considers outside efforts ‘threatening’ to LSU’s autonomy

The concept of academic freedom and autonomy is not in line with the purpose of the institution in the first place, they are not an autonomous institution, they are subordinates of the Churches mission to reach the lost by equipping members to be effective Christians and to also make a living while doing it; the original mission is obviously not the focus of our institutions and has not been for many decades, the real focus is what then?  (Quote)

Precisely Vincent. We only begin to worry about accreditation when we begin to be confused or vague about the fundamental mission of all Christian Seventh-day Adventist schools K-21.

WASC considers outside efforts ‘threatening’ to LSU’s autonomy
Perhaps we should just get used to the idea that LSA will become ‘dis-affiliated’ with the SDA church, since there is no doubt that the board will consider WASC accreditation more valuable than the financial or philisophical support of the SDA church. Autonomy from the church has less appeal than autonomy from the big market place out there in the world of commerce and academia.

Silence of the Geoscience Research Institute
The fundamental question of this thread, if I get it correctly, is in regards to the size of the bang we get for our GRI buck. Let’s be charitable: a million $ divided between the afforementioned staff, possibly some ancilliary help, plus facility costs and there isn’t a whole lot of cash to do anything spectacular. Let’s campaign for 2 million $, and leadership that knows something about marketing and promotion. Scientists can be quite stuffy and oh so conservative! Get in someone with imagination, marketing skill and hair on fire zeal. How about training some terrific Creation Evangelists? Lets get on with it!