Well Sean I am pleased to see that you keep …

Comment on Conrad Vine Continues to Attack Church Leadership by Duane McBride.

Well Sean I am pleased to see that you keep trying to use observational science and rational discourse to convince us about the value of covid vaccines. I know you have changed a few minds. I think you also provide examples of how paying attention to the data modifies our views. I also admire you for attempting to communicate on Fulcrum7. Most people, including pastors, have not been trained to evaluate data, to understand odds ratios, or perhaps even percentage differences. The concept of comparison groups is not well understood. You do a great job of trying to do this. But, those opposed to vaccinations are taking on cult like characteristics. Nothing will convince them. They will not listen the weight of evidence but are willing to believe a pastor with no training in what he is talking about. Please keep trying, there is always hope that the fog of deception will lift!

Recent Comments by Duane McBride

Review of “The Naked Emperor” by Pastor Conrad Vine
Well, since my name was mentioned, I am very happy with my decisions and strongly believe that my decision was consistent with the Adventist Health Message with its emphasis on prevention. I am still very sad that too many of my friends listened to the same fables Jody listened to and died or are suffering from long COVID. I am very thankful that at least one of those friends realized that he had listened to deceitful fables and has now stopped listening to these false pastors! I continue to pray for Jody and all of those so deceived by false prophets and pray that they will cease listening to these false messengers.

Review of “The Naked Emperor” by Pastor Conrad Vine
I very much appreciated all of your efforts educate truth in the face of such blatant lies about the COVID vaccine and sophist logic. You present clear data supporting the effectiveness of COVID vaccines to prevent serious illness and death. There is also some very good data on all cause mortality and vaccine status that shows that those vaccinated are not dying of other causes and in fact have lower rates of all cause mortality; likely because they make other good health choices. As you note, Elder Vine has no medical training and perhaps as important no training in statistics. As I talk to his followers, it seems to me that there is a kind of absolutist belief in what a vaccine is supposed to do. If one gets infected, then the vaccine is worthless. Understanding of percent differences in hospitalization and death rates by vaccine status seems to not be understood or perhaps not believed. I receive articles from the Falun Gong newspaper (Epoch Times) to back anti vaccine points. It amazes me that these individuals believe a religious cult and not Adventist medical researchers. It also seems to me vaccines are being viewed as a kind of evil satanic potion that threatens salvation. I have had a number of those opposed to COVID vaccines tell me that even if COVID kills them, they want to meet Jesus unvaccinated. That view just amazes me. At the same time there is a trust in medications that have no demonstrated effect on the COVID virus. I have not figured out a way to have a rational conversation with individuals who will not look at the best of observational science and who take isolated cases and make them the universe and who believe a discredited non-Adventist physician and information form a religious cult. I admire your efforts to do this. Some have listened to you and I believe you have saved many lives.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: From Pro-Vax to Anti-Vax
I had my 5th shot last week and no bad reactions on any of the shots; I am 76. A number of friends who did not get any vaccinations did not do well when they got COVID, from death to long COVID problems. I tested positive once and had no symptoms. If you look up the impact factor of the journal cited, it is 0. I have never seen any journal with an impact factor of 0. It is so sad that too many of our Church members have fallen for these cunningly devised fables about the vaccines. I just did not expect Adventist to fall for what is essentially a death cult.