If one claims to be a Bible believer, but does …

Comment on Walla Walla University: The Collegian Debates Evolution vs. Creation by Will Jones.

If one claims to be a Bible believer, but does not accept the Genesis story of creation, and does not believe the words of the fourth commandment which clearly support the Genesis account, how can one say the Bible is anything more than a myth? And why do such persons continue teaching in an SDA institution of higher learning? Persons who dismiss the six day creation story and the institution of the Sabbath on the seventh day would likely question the story of the commandments being written on stone by the finger of God as well. It is ludicrous to believe one can question the written word and still believe that Holy men of God wrote the scriptures under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Are they saying the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tale? And do these Professors in our schools who do in fact question the Genesis account have a right to continue teaching this theory in disregard to the fundamental beliefs of this denomination? Most members who live in close proximity to many of these Colleges and Universities know full well that there are science teachers in many of the schools who do not, in fact, subscribe to the Genesis account. At some point, there has to be an accounting to parents and church members of why this has been allowed to fester for so long. Are we so caught up in the notion of academic freedom that we can no longer require that the fundamental beliefs of our denomination be taught in our own institutions?