Is this guy an Adventist? I got lost half-way through his …

Comment on Two Conflicting Arguments in Defense of La Sierra University by Steve Mahan.

Is this guy an Adventist?
I got lost half-way through his article. Which side of the fence is he on? I’m a simple minded person.

Recent Comments by Steve Mahan

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
What year did Adventist start teaching evolution in their Colleges and universities?

If Mrs. White were alive today, I wonder what kind of letters she would be writing to LSU?

Louie Bishop gives me hope for the younger generation. May God Bless Him.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?
Why aren’t we reading more about LSU in the Adventist Review?

To show the SDA members that the G.C. is on top of the situation, it would ease a lot of minds.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
No one has said anything about the new age play that drama department put on May5.