I completely agree with what President Gallimore has done. And, …

Comment on Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students by Holly Pham.

I completely agree with what President Gallimore has done. And, I have sent him an email regarding my support. All SDA’s who support ET and President Gallimore should do this, as he will be getting plenty of negative feedback from the liberals and progressives.

Holly Pham Also Commented

Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students

BV: @Rev 14:12: @Emk: We also seem to feel it’s “our” school. How many times have I heard it referred to this way. The school belongs to God and He is the chief Administrator. He has given us careful and explicit instructions on how He wants His schools run. We are to teach and operate His instituions to HIS standards not ours. The Old Testament, if studied, should teach us of the sad results of going independent of God. Our problems are still the same as the Israelites thousands of years ago. Hungering after the way of the world. Trying to blend with them while keeping a toe-hold on God. I’ve heard different ones muse over what the “big deal” is with idols, anyway. It wasn’t the idol worship per se that drew. It was the desire to be like the idolaters around them. The idols have changed today but the desires haven’t. Today, as then, it’s always the tender few who are willing to stand firm in the face of falsehood, anger and accusations.

I also agree that La Sierra belongs ultimately to God. However, how do we explain the constant and progressive deterioration of our SDA Bible-based standards there, over the past 21 years? And, without any correction or seemingly any concern by the administration, Board, or the Pacific Union Conference.

Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students

Steve Mahan:
Why doesn’t the Advent Review write update articles warning fellow Adventists what going on at LSU.

Even if nothing more than were keeping and eye on the situation and will keep the members updated.

This same question has been in my mind for many years. Our Church papers do a horrible job of keeping members aware of what is going on IN our SDA Church.

Is this just not of any interest, priority, or value for them? I am thankful we have private members like Shane and Sean that have stepped up!

Michigan Conference accused of shunning LSU choir students
@Rev. 14:12, Well, since Conferences can simply ignore General Conferences votes, as we have seen, why can’t they just ignore any “rule” “vote” “pillars of faith” or belief the SDA Church has?

And get away with it, as they have already done. Does anyone have a logical answer?

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