dana: If eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes, why we still have …

Comment on How much of the Human Genome is Functional? by Bob Helm.


If eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes, why we still have prokaryotes?
If mamals evolved from fish, why still have fish?

Dana, let me say at the outset that I am a committed creationist as is Dr. Sean Pitman. However, I also believe in using good scientific arguments, and your two questions do not imply good scientific thinking. You are essentially asking “How can ancestors live at the same time as their descendants?” Obviously, parents can still be alive during the lifespan of their children. However, perhaps you are asking why, in view of natural selection, ancestors have survived if their descendants were more fit. A Darwinian would respond that the level of fitness depends on what ecological niche you are considering. For example, fish are extremely fit in water, but not on land. On the other hand, most mammals are extremely fit on land, but not very fit in the water. So the Darwinian would argue that fish have survived very nicely in water right up to the present day, but that they gave rise to descendants that evolved certain body parts (e.g. lungs and legs) that enabled them to expand into a new ecological niche, namely land.

Please bear in mind that as a creationist, I do not buy into this. I believe that fish were intelligently designed to live in water, while most mammals were intelligently designed to live on land. However, you will not falsify Darwinism by asking such questions because Darwinism does allow ancestors to live at the same time as their supposed evolutionary descendants, albeit in different ecological niches.

Recent Comments by Bob Helm

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I believe in good medicine and am thankful to God for the Moderna vaccine. Walter Veith deserves to be ignored, and not just on this issue.

Complex Organisms are Degenerating – Rapidly
@Carlos: Far from being outdated, I would say that Sean’s arguments are cutting edge. As for the assertion that scientists don’t use Darwin’s model for evolution, that is correct – because Darwin had no knowledge of Mendelian genetics. The original Darwinian model was replaced by the Neo-darwinian Synthesis about 1940, which claims that evolution takes place as natural selection acts on random mutations. Although this model still dominates biology today, it is facing increasingly serious problems, which Sean has touched on.

Complex Organisms are Degenerating – Rapidly
@Sean Pitman: OK, I see it now. Sorry – I missed it earlier.

Complex Organisms are Degenerating – Rapidly
Sean, Dr. John Sanford, who was an important contributor to the development of GMOs, has written a book on this issue entitled, “Genetic Entropy.” I don’t see him quoted anywhere in your article, and I’m wondering if you are familiar with his work. It is noteworthy that Dr. Sanford has abandoned Darwinism and adopted creationism/intelligent design, not originally for religious reasons, but because of this problem.

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Sean, once again I urge you to publish your material in book form, preferably with a non-Adventist publisher. You have such wonderful material, but the Educate Truth audience is so small.