Because it (allegedly) magically happened only some 6000 yrs ago…isn’t …

Comment on Emergence and the Origin of Life? by John Alfke.

because it (allegedly) magically happened only some 6000 yrs ago…isn’t the YEC “magic” harder to believe than the philosophically labeled “magic” alluded to by scientists which took mega years to happen as the evidence in the rocks shows?

John Alfke Also Commented

Emergence and the Origin of Life?
Alchemy was once called “science,” but today we know it as the “magician’s trick.” All life was magic to our ancestors who had no understanding or control of what they observed: rainbows, volcanoes, earthquakes; all were attributed to gods or mysterious forces.

Today, scientists seek to tear apart the atom and understand “how” things function. They have explanations for much that was previously unknown. Why should we dismiss their findings only in certain areas? We eagerly greet their new discoveries if offering cures for dreaded diseases, but dismiss those that are counter to our religious beliefs. Religion is not antithetical to science, nor should it be; they must work together rather than attempt to destroy the other.

Emergence and the Origin of Life?
The following exchange is taken from a discussion on the Spectrum blog – Sean Pitman

Are we back to Magic?

Stuart Kauffman, “I wish to say that life is an expected[?], emergent [define?] property of complex chemical reaction networks.”

What chemical reactions simple allow digital code to appear??? Kauffman does not deal with the mechanism for this non-sense but posits that this is so. Where is the lab work demonstrating this spontaneous generation??

Kauffman calls this “natural magic.” In a lecture at MIT he stated,

“Life bubbles forth in a natural magic beyond the confines of entailing laws. This allows us to be “reenchanted” with nature and find a way beyond modernity.”

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