Sean Pitman ===> You assume that popular mainstream science is …

Comment on Adventist Education–at the crossroads? by Jan Long.

Sean Pitman ===>

You assume that popular mainstream science is actually the best available scientific interpretation of the empirical evidence in hand. I propose to you that mainstream “science” is based more on philosophy than actual science when it comes to the question of origins.


Sean, we have no guarantee that science has correctly interpreted all data. In fact we can assume that as Thomas Kuhn has shown, it is likely that there will be future paradigm shifts. Because of this reality, some, such as yourself apparent dismiss or diminish the scientific enterprise.

But fleeing to the refuge of revelation may not be the complete answer either. We know, for example, that Jesus introduced his own paradigm shift. It was a radical departure from business as usual. I must ask, what theological paradigms shifts await us—or do we have all the truth? At the very least we know that with the proliferation of theological interpretations in just about every area of thought, we should use extreme caution in arriving at categorical conclusions on most theological matters.

The point of my article was to articulate that there is a current scientific paradigm in place and any educational system that wishes to remain credible must educate students in that paradigm irrespective of those forces within the Church that may oppose that scientific paradigm. Furthermore, I don’t believe a university can remain credible if it teaches the reigning scientific paradigm, but pledges allegiance to a hypothetical anti-scientific position. That is the reason for the wisdom of maintaining the current FB #6—what ever its shortcomings, at least it is not anti-scientific.

Jan Long Also Commented

Adventist Education–at the crossroads?

Sean&#032Pitman: Question:
If Greenland’s ice is currently melting at a fairly rapid rate, one would think that Greenland’s ice was melting at an even faster rate during the Hypsithermal period where the temperatures around Greenland were significantly warmer, year-round, than they are today – for thousands of years. Given this well accepted fact of mainstream science, how is it that mainstream scientists also propose, at the same time, that the ice sheets on Greenland actually survived thousands of years of such warm temperatures? After all, modern scientists are so worried about modern “global warming” that many are suggesting that Greenland’s ice will be gone within just 1,000 years and some are suggesting that it may be gone within a few hundred years.

Greenland is a large land mass that is 4 times larger than France. Three quarters of the country lies within the Arctic Circle. Only 16% of the area is devoid of permanent snow and ice.

Portions of the ice sheet are at elevations of 10,000 feet. The melting that is occurring is in the coastal regions where the temperatures in the summer can get up into the 40(f) degree range. The upper elevations are in a permafrost zone. Even where there was rapid warming in the past, it would only impact the warmer coastal areas–not the higher elevation ice sheet.

Adventist Education–at the crossroads?
Ken, you ask, “why paint all evolutionists as atheists? Why paint all Adventists as pseudo scientists?” I presume these are rhetorical quesitons, and not directed at me per se. If directed at me, then to both questions I would respond–I don’t. I like the rhetorical thrust of these questions however, for I am more about building bridges and seeking common ground than I am about finger pointing.

Adventist Education–at the crossroads?
Inge Anderson
If you re-read my post that has raised your ire, you will discover that you have misinterpreted my comments on paradigm shift.

The point was, some are suspicious of science and sometimes it is because the paradigms do shift–what is understood today is revised or worse tomorrow.

My point was, all human efforts to come to a complete understanding of the reality (truth)is futile.

Some seek a refuge in revelation, yet Jesus presented us with a paradigm shift of his own, upending much of the world view that had preceded it.

In the case of revelation there are 2 human components at work. The writers were human, bringing their limited world view into the text, and this, irrespective of any divine insights. If this is not a true statement, then SDAs should add an FB #29 stating that we believe in inerrancy.

The fact that SDAs don’t believe in inerrancy should make us more conscious of the other human component related to revelation, that being the reader, and the certitudes that we sometimes superimpose upon interpretations.

Recent Comments by Jan Long

Bringing the Real World to Genesis: Why Evolution is an Idea that Won’t Die—IV [A Review]
I am a little late to the conversation, but thought I should clear up a misconception articulated by the author of this article. This is intended to be my only statement.

In this article the above author states the following with respect to a series I wrote for:Spectrum “…He also dabbles in the creation/evolution debate, having been converted to neo-Darwinism from traditional Adventism. Recently, Mr. Long published a series of articles on the topic for Spectrum Magazine in defense of the Darwinian perspective of origins in contrast to the church’s position.”

The author will be hard pressed to find anything I have written that would allow a fair-minded person to conclude that I have “converted to neo-Darwinism from traditional Adventism,” or that defends Darwinism per se. For those who may not have been reading the Spectrum series let me offer up three categories of individuals that will provide some perspective on this series. It is as follows:

1. There is a sizeable category of Adventists for whom data matters not one whit. We can see, hear, taste, feel, or smell something, but if it does not agree 100% with preconceived conclusions, then the senses are not to be trusted. For this group there is no amount of data that will ever modify the thinking, and on those occasions where data is problematic a good rationalization will take care of it—always.

2. The second category of individuals fall under the classification of “scientism,” where it is assumed that science alone can render the truth about reality. I doubt there are many Adventists that fall into this group, though I am sure there may be some.

3. The final category of individuals does not hitch its wagon to any dogma, but is primarily concerned with the search for truth—wherever that leads. As such, it is interested in both God’s book of revelation and his book of nature. Both are respected because it is assumes that there is but one reality and that therefore neither book is in conflict with the other.

It is this third category that I personally identify with and is part of the operating presupposition of this series. I am not a neo-Darwinist as the author alleges, but I certainly don’t summarily dismiss the data that points to a reality that is quite different from the one that the Church’s pioneers understood. Does science have a lot more to learn? Most definitely! Do Adventists have a lot to learn? Yes, unless we have join the flat-earth society! I would encourage readers to actually read from a wide range of scientific disciplines—learn from the real in-the-trenches-experts rather than from me, or charlatan “arm-chair experts.” Develop some perspective on the issues; develop some maturity of understanding about the data; the methods employed and how and why science has reached the conclusions it has.