Ron&#32D&#32Henderson: I totally concur with Mark Finley. Evolution history has …

Comment on Beyond the Creation Story – Why the Controversy Matters by Shane Hilde.

Ron&#32D&#32Henderson: I totally concur with Mark Finley. Evolution history has shown over and over that man cannot be guided by reason only. Sean Pit has it the wrong way round.

I think you misunderstand Sean’s position. Reason is a gift from God. It’s a tool that he has given everyone. It’s how we decide to follow him. The truthfulness of God’s Word is established by testimony that appeals to our reason, and God has given ample evidence for faith in His Word.

There is a distinct difference though between rationalism and reason. I think what you’re referring to is rationalism. Ellen White said, “Rationalism idolizes reason and makes this the criterion for religion” (GC 193).

Rationalism comes with a lot of presuppositions and one of them is that reason is the sole source of knowledge. It excludes divine revelation at the outset.

If our reason is not in submission to the Holy Spirit, in other words if we’re not truly seeking truth, not being honest and candid in our pursuit, we endanger ourselves, and our search for truth will end up leading to irrationality.

Recent Comments by Shane Hilde

Private Recorded Conversation Prompts La Sierra Resignations

Ron&#32Stone&#32M&#46D&#46: then he “accidentally” recorded the private meeting, right?

That’s exactly right. He must have not bothered to play it back. I think the meeting was a couple hours according to the LSU news release. But basically he didn’t know he had recorded him and the others and then posted it without checking his recording.

The ANN Highlights LSU’s Dr. Lee Grismer – An Evolutionary Biologist

Eddie: Doesn’t LSU’s administration deserve at least a little bit of credit?

I think so. There are some very dedicated individuals on the board.I have no doubt they’re doing everything they can to address this issue.

Blasphemy of a Different Kind
@Ron Stone M.D.: I agree. LSU has not been a shining light for our church. That’s unfortunate. That might be the case for other schools as well.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
@Alexander Carpenter: I would readily agree since Educate Truth supports the biblical account of creation and disagrees with the handling of the topic in the biology department. This was a political move by Wisbey to gain power on the board. He now has three less who oppose him.

Former board member never talked with biology faculty
@David Read: Board members and even former board members are not allowed to discuss what has happened in board meetings. The only thing I confirmed with Tooma was whether she had conversed with the biology faculty and she made it very clear she never had. She was only presented with the joint statement and wanted to support it. This statement was seen as a big step for the biology department because Wisbey had been keeping them silent for over two years and they were now making constructive advances to dialogue with the church. I disagree with what they said, but I think it’s great their talking now. I suspect Wisbey isn’t happy with the biology department. It wouldn’t make any sense for him to only be upset with the board members since he allegedly embraces what they are doing. Doubtful though given his reaction and double standard.