LSU Controversy Receives Secular Media Attention

By Educate Truth Staff September 1, 2009, an article titled “Creating Controversy” by Jack Stripling surfaced at, covering the controversy surrounding La Sierra University. As a result of this article, received a spike in unique hits Sept. 1 — over 7,000 — five times the daily average for August. Widespread interest in this…

Jan Paulsen Says ‘Yes,’ They Should Resign

In a Q&A session held at Andrews University Seminary Chapel August 15, 2009, Elder Jan Paulsen was reportedly given an anonymous question from an AU faculty member that said: I am someone who believes in God and creation, but not in a literal six-day creation. Should I resign from my teaching position in an Adventist…

Letter to Dr. Wisbey by Shane Hilde

This email was sent to Dr. Wisbey shortly after his letter was released. Dr. Wisbey has not replied. May 26, 2009 Dear Mr. Wisbey: This letter is in regard to your letter about “naturalistic evolution” being taught at La Sierra University. I graduated from LSU in 2005, and in my last year I took a…

Response to Wisbey’s Letter by Sean Pitman, MD

This is in reply to the open letter from Randal Wisbey, President of La Sierra University (LSU), in regard to the fact that science professors at LSU are not only teaching, but promoting the truth of Darwinian-style evolution in their classrooms. Wisbey presents the standard argument heard over and over again over the years that…

LSU administration possibly favors evolution

By Educate Truth Staff President of La Sierra University Randal Wisbey responded on May 18, 2009, to David Asscherick’s concerns regarding LSU biology professors teaching “naturalistic evolution” as fact, or “as the preferred and normative worldview.” Instead of clear denouncement of the charge, Wisbey made the following statement: ‘Naturalistic evolution’ is a phrase that either in code…