It is becoming a liability to be known as a …

Comment on Scientists ‘potentially skeptical’ of evolution need not apply by D. Fender.

It is becoming a liability to be known as a Christian. Just look at the hate from groups in our society who don’t like Christian’s Biblical and moral stance against their attempts to legalize immorality. It will get worse. Soon only those who truly are willing to take up their cross and walk with our Lord will be willing to own His name. Those who are not fully converted, or who follow half-heartedly or for personal gain will leave us. The pressure on them will get too tough. Good riddance to them. While that will be a time of great hardship, it will also be a time of great spiritual awakening for true seekers. It’s coming friends, are you getting ready?

D. Fender Also Commented

Scientists ‘potentially skeptical’ of evolution need not apply
Ken, I hope with all of my heart that ALL men will seek God and surrender to His will and live holy lives that honor God and serve our fellow men. Unfortunately there are people that are not interested in surrender or holy living in the church and they drag down the rest. That is why I said good riddance. It is past time for the church to move on from playing church and get on with the work that God gave us, service to Him and man.

You are right that Jesus was not concerned about offering salvation to one denomination only. His offer of freedom from sin applies to all people. I invite you Ken to accept His offer.

As for what group you fit into, only you and God know that. I would not presume to make that judgement. I hope you see your need for a savior, a need to walk in newness of life, and a need to serve fellow men. You are as welcome as everyone else.

Merry Christmas Ken!

Scientists ‘potentially skeptical’ of evolution need not apply
@Professor Kent:

For you to say my use of the phrase “good riddance to them”, is hate, you have to know my motives and judge those motives. That is God’s work. I don’t hate those that are not committed to the church and tear it down, I just want them to get on the right team, the team that they actively promote in their life.

As for if SDA’s should support legislation of morality. Jesus said we are to be the salt of the earth. That infers that we provide flavor and are not a neutral seasoning. Consider the following and decide if we should vote for or against it.

Murder – should we vote that it is immoral and for punishment for murderers?
Divorce – in the interest of children and intact families, should oppose divorce?
Lying or perjury – should we support laws that oppose lying?
Stealing – should we support legislation that opposes theft and punishes thieves?

If we don’t “season” our society in a positive way, and allow immorality to run unchecked, are we not partially responsible for the bad outcome because of our lack of action?

Recent Comments by D. Fender

An apology to PUC
Shane, it takes a big man to stand up publicly and own that he made an error. Especially as public as this has become. Congratulations Shane for showing us what an honorable man you are!

I call those at La Sierra (and all of our other Colleges and Universities for that matter)- all those professors who have deceived the members of the church, those who pay their salaries, to do the same. It is time for the biology and religion professors to apologize to the church publicly for teaching contrary to our church’s beliefs. You can all point your fingers at Shane, but are you big enough to stand up and do as he did.

It is preposterous to say that church members don’t have a right to know what is being taught in our schools and that we should have to register for the class to get that information. ARE YOU NUTS! We ARE the parents, the grandparents, the ones who pay to keep these schools afloat financially. We give our offerings and tithes, and pay the tuition. THE SECRET NATURE THAT YOU USE TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE DOING CONVICTS YOU. If you are doing nothing wrong, then there is no reason that all of your materials cannot see the light of day and prove that you are the honorable people that you claim to be.

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
@Eddie: and EMK

I hear you both very well. Don’t think that I am a spectator just sitting on the sideline, because I am not. I have been in Adventist higher education for nearly two decades.

I don’t believe this problem is fixable. The generation that gives tithes and offerings faithfully is dying off. The younger generation that is less dedicated to the church, both financially and relationally, is poised to take over.

Besides, political correctness is now the god of the nation and is quickly making in roads into the SDA church. Very few people today are ready to do what is right, because it is right, and let the chips fall where they may. Until we have people of faith who follow truth and do what is right because it is right, we will continue to flounder.

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
Eddie, do you suppose that those loyal professors that are teaching solid SDA doctrine, but remaining quiet on error being taught at their schools are exempt from saying something or standing up for the truth? It must be quite troubling to want to be loyal but be worried about standing up against error for fear of losing one’s job. We sure live in troubled times.

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
The Seventh-day Adventist has much to be proud of in the sick, sinful world! We have a great set of Biblical beliefs and a great philosophy of wholistic living.

I once heard a funny spin on our church. Someone said “the SDA church is a school system masquerading as a church.” Education is a life long process for all if us. Thank goodness we had the council to build and run our schools as we do.

For real education reform, take a cue from the Adventists
Johnny, there is no solution to this problem short of a divine solution. After having worked in Adventist higher education for a long time, Eddie has it right. Our schools pay peanuts and expect people to want to make a career on that kind of income. If you pair that with graduates who just want to finish so the can buy their BMW and having a horrendous amount of school loan debt, the pool of qualified people is very small to non-existent. So it is easy for church members to complain about what kind of product they are getting at our schools, but the proverbial one finger pointing at the university and professors, leaves the other fingers pointing right back at them!

Unfortunately, the progressive ultra-liberal professors at our colleges and universities have one purpose in mind, to capture the minds of our young people. It only takes one generation to make the SDA church believe that we evolved, that homosexuality is OK, that our doctrines are flawed, and that we are no different than any other Christian church. We are almost there!