Faithful&#032Disciple: Holly, whether anyone has infiltrated our church, I don’t …

Comment on Church says La Sierra Employees Lawsuit is Without Merit by Holly Pham.

Faithful&#032Disciple: Holly, whether anyone has infiltrated our church, I don’t know. I am not a conspiracy theory kind of person. I am not privy to see behind the scenes as God would. All I can says is that we are God’s remnant church, we have Bible-based beliefs, and the likes of professors at LSU in the biology and religion departments, Erv Taylor, Jared Wright, the lib Spectrum crowd, and many others that claim that they are SDA when they are actively against everything SDA and are our greatest opponents. Their actions here and now are enough to convince me what EGW said that former SDA’s will be our worst enemies.

Well, former SDA’s may be our enemies, but it seems as though actual “in good standing” SDA’s (as Dr.Taylor) and actual paid employees, both in our Churches and our colleges, are our main enemies.

Holly Pham Also Commented

Church says La Sierra Employees Lawsuit is Without Merit

Faithful&#032Disciple: Amen, this current problem is the result of DECADES of rotten leadership and Adventist politics as usual. It is obvious to me that the Pacific Union and the Board of Trustees have been “rubber stamp” committees that do NO oversight. The real problem has been and CONTINUES to be with the Chancellor, President, or whatever title the person directly in charge of LSU is called. Wisby is a politician that is not willing to stand up against his faculty and do the right thing by LEADING his faculty to support and promote the SDA church that pays their salaries. Instead, they subvert the church and teach error by stealth. How evil and cowardly!!! Wisby is not alone. He has been preceded by others who share the blame. It is time for a change of regime to a LOYAL SDA administrator. Wisby must go.

I agree that President Wisbey should be fired. At the ASI meeting in Sacramento, he actually implied that he was part of the firing of the four men. “We did something.” was his response when questioned about why nothing had been done regarding the La Sierra evolution problem.

When then asked whether he then agreed that the four men should have been fired, President Wisbey stated he couldn’t comment further.

So, was President Wisbey in favor of the firings or not? He certainly isn’t ready to say. Seems like he’d rather sit on the fence.

Church says La Sierra Employees Lawsuit is Without Merit

Faithful&#032Disciple: Holly, I believe Erv is an Emeritus Professor of Anthropology from UCR (University of California-Riverside), I don’t think he is a paid employee of the church, either currently, or in the past. He is a thought leader among the liberal “SDA’s” who want to trash our FB’s. He seems to have a total hate for historic, “traditional” SDA beliefs. His whole push is to advance liberal thought and doctrine wherever possible. He is constantly at war with us “fundamentalists.” What a sad situation to be in. He seems to have some huge hang-up.

Didn’t someone say Dr. Taylor taught part of one of the courses at La Sierra?

But, you are correct–he is definitely “at war” with biblically-based Adventists, and he admits as much. Just read his articles over on Adventist Today.

He just loves to trash Ellen White. How could he be a member “in good standing” at the Loma Linda University Church. Has anyone asked Randy Roberts this question?

Church says La Sierra Employees Lawsuit is Without Merit

Frank&#032Silver: What Ricardo Graham did was not taking an employment action – he simply invited the men to resign once he informed them that the university structure was onto their nefarious activity. But yes – the religion department over which the church would have an undisputable interest in protecting has been the key problem. It has been graduating students with no regard for Adventist beliefs, and many pastors come from there with no respect for the prophetic ministry of Ellen White or the literal creation week.To fix the University, fix the religion department. Otherwise nothing will get done.

Do most of their theology graduates stay in California? How many graduates of Andrews, compared with La Sierra, have been hired in the past 5 years? Does anyone know?

Recent Comments by Holly Pham

NCSE Report: Adventist Education in the Midst of a Sea of Science

Why do accrediting bodies have the right to force religious universities to teach what they demand they teach? Is it not a violation of religious freedom to demand that evolution exist as the only exclusive worldview? Why have we given scientists the role of Papel See?

La Sierra is under no demand to teach “evolution as fact” as many other colleges and universities, SDA and non-SDA teach “about evolution” but do not teach it as factual. La Sierra WANTS to teach evolution as fact, and will do anything it can to keep on keeping on teaching it!

La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond

David&#032Read: @Sean Pitman: There is certainly documentation somewhere of what the remainder of the bond funds was spent on. I imagine that the University was required by the bond trustee to document the capital projects the money was used on (because the funds could not be used for salaries or ordinary current operation expenses). So this is probably a public document that can be obtained through the freedom of information act.Also, I imagine that this information has been made available to the Board of Trustees and/or constituents, so if you have any contacts in those bodies, ask for the information.Keep digging, because you or Shane will find this information somewhere.

Dave, I agree with you completely. We need to have this investigated by somebody or some SDA group, preferably the GC. But, I do not think anyone there will step up to do it. So, we do need Shane, Sean, or someone.

La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond

Charles: the

Charles, I agree with you. But, this type of reasoning is very common among liberals. This past Sabbath on LLBN, John Jones and Ivan Blazen tried to convince Carolyn Thompson that sin is “relative” meaning that something may be a sin to one person, but not to another.

She questioned them, and offered examples, and they stuck to this idea.

Dr. Ariel Roth’s Creation Lectures for Teachers

That is why I remain open to scientific investigation of the concept of Intelligent Design. In fact, as many of you know, I have advocated for and agreed to support a Chair in Intelligent Design at any Adventist university. Strangely, not a single person has taken me up on the idea. Why?

Your agnostic friend

Ken, No “Chair of Intellegent Design” needs to be started, since our whole philosophy is of Intellegent Creationism. Nobody has taken you up on it because it is not needed. We need to have our SDA institutions supporting all of our beliefs, not just one “Chair”.

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation

By faith you believe in creation and by faith you believe in evolution!!What do you want to place your faith in God or Man?

You are completely correct. Who are we to believe? God? Man’s “wisdom?” Liberals and progressives believe in human wisdom over what God has said.

We see that at La Sierra, very prominently, and they are PROUD of it!