Comment on Adventist Review examines LSU conflict by William Jeffreys, Sr..
Are we not living in the time of the Laodicean church, as spoken of in Revelations?
Do we not read that we must arm ourselves against that evil “serpent?”
It seems that the “serpent’s” teachings have found its way into our church, basically because the teachers are not spending enough quality time studing their scriptures.
This is obviously another step in the time of the end, that we read about in Revelations. If we do not arm ourselves with the knowledge that God gave us, through the Bible, we will easily be deceived, as it seems the professors teaching this “garbage” have been.
As my father (a SDA minster) used to say, “you will not be able to stand the temptations that arise near the end of time, without having armed yourself with the daily prayerful study of God’s Word and communication with the God of Heaven and Earth.”
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Recent Comments by William Jeffreys, Sr.
A little-known history about Belief 6
@William J:
William J: Why is it that our church leaders keep falling into the category of being ‘the Laodecidean church’ neither hot nor cold. They all seem to think that they are smarter than God – no way – God is omnipotent, man is a failure without God, but keeps trying to say that they know best.It specifically states that ‘God created the earth in six days and rested and blessed the seventh day’ is that not clear enough OR do all of these supposed leaders of the church and ‘earthly shepherds of Gods flock’ think that they are much more knowledgeable that the Creator? If you follow the years of life of the Patriarch of the Bible, it is clear that this world is just over 6000 years old, NOT infinitismally long ages.Let us go back to being a Bible believing church, rather than this collection of ‘garbage.’ We are suppose to show respect the pastors that are doing their best to cripple this church, why?NO MAN should be able to make the decisions of how the churches beliefs are to be shown, TRUST GODS DESCRIPTION. (Quote)
A little-known history about Belief 6
Why is it that our church leaders keep falling into the category of being ‘the Laodecidean church’ neither hot nor cold. They all seem to think that they are smarter than God – no way – God is omnipotent, man is a failure without God, but keeps trying to say that they know best.
It specifically states that ‘God created the earth in six days and rested and blessed the seventh day’ is that not clear enough OR do all of these supposed leaders of the church and ‘earthly shepherds of Gods flock’ think that they are much more knowledgeable that the Creator?
If you follow the years of life of the Patriarch of the Bible, it is clear that this world is just over 6000 years old, NOT infinitismally long ages.
Let us go back to being a Bible believing church, rather than this collection of ‘garbage.’ We are suppose to show respect the pastors that are doing their best to cripple this church, why?
NO MAN should be able to make the decisions of how the churches beliefs are to be shown, TRUST GODS DESCRIPTION.