This is a simple problem, with a simple solution. If you …

Comment on Adventist Review examines LSU conflict by William Bell.

This is a simple problem, with a simple solution.
If you are not teaching what the your employer (rather private or public system) tell you to teach, tender or not you are fired!

The church (the employer)says to teach creation, end of commit.

If you teach creation in public school you are fired.

Credidation has become an issue so go to a diffent credidation.

We teach truth in our school not made up assumtion that can not be provide with science itself.

Our truth is based on FAITH IN GOD not in man. And our God is more creative than we can imiagen. Look up LAMININ on Google and see how what hold everthing together is the cross.

If you cann’t teach Gods as creater which is the center point of the Three Angle’s Message “Fear God and give glory to the Creator of heaven and earth” Go somewhere you will fill more at home.