Comment on Adventist Review examines LSU conflict by Richard Sherwin.
Steve, at least they are reporting it, and there is not a cover up. Bringing the issue to the people is a step in the right direction. So many do not know of the conflict between good and evil within our very church. They think it’s between our church and those on the outside. At this point it’s between Bible believing SDA’s and non Bible believing SDA’s.
Richard Sherwin Also Commented
Adventist Review examines LSU conflict
Another area of concern I have is in regards to dancing. We were counseled that we should not do it, but we as a church have become very good at it. We dance around facts, we dance around truth and we dance with the Devil when we allow evolution to be taught as fact and truth. May the Adventist Review have the courage to be an advocate for stopping the dance.
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Jon, a most excellent post. However I must take issue with you when you wrote: “LSU continues to isolate itself from its church and the Christian community.” IMO LSU is following the Christian community as the community moves further away from it’s Biblical roots. Evolution discredits Christ and especially the 4th Commandment and it is thus one of the most crowning achievements of Satan as he tries to negate the importance of the Sabbath.
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Anonymous, God’s love is found in Creation, the fall and His death and resurrection. Take away any one element of that equation and you end up with nothing.
It is not one persons word this issue is based on, it’s based on many peoples words, including the president of LSU. The concern is that the professors who are openly promoting evolution at the expense of Creation are undermining the fundamentals of Christianity. All the beliefs of Christianity are rooted in Creation. It is the love of God and for His church that some of us are concerned about what is happening, not just at LSU but at other schools as well as secular humanitarianism is replacing the clear word of God.
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Ken I’m not sure what you are asking. Danial 8:14 says nothing about the evening and the morning. The Bible is very clear throughout about Creation. It’s not mans interpretation, there is nothing ambiguous about what the Bible says, there is no room for interpretation like there might be on other issues (like for instance weather or not the SDA church is the remnant). There is nothing in the Bible that someone can point to and say God related the Creation account as a metaphor or simply as a myth. And it’s on the Genesis account of origins and the subsequent fall that gives us the need for a savior. Genesis is the base for the other 65 books of the Bible, if we disregard it as a myth then the rest of the Bible is also reduced to a myth, including the new testament and it’s account of Christ.
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Dennis all through the Bible creation is told to us as a literal event, even Christ spoke of it as a literal event. So it’s not the church you are accusing of being deceptive, it’s God Himself. It was He who told Moses to write, “for in six days God created…..”. It was not the SDA church who is responsible for that Biblical statement. It’s tiresome to me when I hear people claim the church is deceptive on this issue when what they are really saying is that God has told a lie.
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Geanna, I’m sorry if you took my post to be hostile. I was not meant to be. But it’s true that if I tell someone to have an open mind in a discussion I’m using that as a tool to get them to see something my way. Everyone does it.
And I am the first to state that I believe wholeheartedly in micro-evolution. It apparently happens very fast, in fact I have seen it happen within a couple years in my yard. However micro-evolution is not an explanation for the origins of life, nor does it explain how a lizard can become a robin. I see no problem with a house cat evolving into a lion. However if you were to tell me a house cat involved into a dog I would see a problem, and so would my dog.
I see nothing even remotely un-Biblical concerning micro evolution and it’s the only logical explanation for the flood account.
However the evolution that is of concern on this web site and has become an issue in the church is not micro-evolution, it’s macro-evolution. Where one specie (not a biology person so don’t jump on me for wrong usage), like a fish, can become a dog over hundreds of millions of years. This is not a Biblical answer to our origins. On these and other boards considering this when someone speaks of evolution we are meaning it to be the theory of origins, macro-evolution, unless it’s stated otherwise.