@Bill Cowin: The reason for understanding the evolutionary theory is …

Comment on The Metamorphosis of La Sierra University: an eye-witness account by Linda Hoover.

@Bill Cowin:
The reason for understanding the evolutionary theory is for the sake of the evolutionist whom we love and seek to help. The most convincing scientific arguments for Creation are from individuals who have taken the time to listen and know the arguments of for evolution. ‘Know your enemy.’ It prepares you to meet the errors intelligently and objectively. Obviously the ultimate decision between the two belief systems is based on faith, but that is what the evolutionist does not understand unless he can be shown his unscientific logic.

Recent Comments by Linda Hoover

“Autonomy and Academic Freedom”: WASC’s 2010 Review of LSU

If there is evidence for short geological time and world wide flood, then present the evidence, but so far there does not seem to be any. Since work in genetics the last few years has made genetic evolution an everyday event supporting billion dollar industries it seems unreasonable to deny its existence. Certainly the industries based on it are not going to go away.

Ron, if you are a student at LSU I can understand why you would not have discovered all the evidence for Creationism and objections to the theory of evolution, since that has apparently been very little understood or taught by LSU professors. Short-age creation and worldwide flood evidence is abundant and fascinating. Furthermore, no Creationist excludes adaptation evolution from their science. That kind of evolution fits very well in what we know now about genetics. It is long-age evolution that poses insumountable problems when approached from the scientific method.

“Autonomy and Academic Freedom”: WASC’s 2010 Review of LSU
A good Adventist accreditation plan should detect a consistent imbalance in scientific presentation at LSU. Creation evidence and evolutionary theory objections are scientific, and must therefore be thoroughly presented in any course on the science of origins. LSU has presented the theory of evolution, but seems to have failed to present the fair weight of scientific evidence that supports Creation and refutes evolution. If a teacher’s faith (in long-age evolution) does not allow him to assimilate and teach this scientific evidence for Creation, then he cannot possibly meet the goals of the institution–to fairly present the balance of evidence in science. Even in the absence of theological considerations, these professors may be failing both as scientists and science educators. Of all things Adventists want, we certainly want true science (based on scientific method), not fanciful theories. Let us pray for this accreditation process to by guided by God.