Comment on David Asscherick letter to the General Conference by Miguel Anderson.
Patsor David
I have a very big poroblem!…It’s to do with the SABBATH day, you see I’ve asked my work if I can have start of the SABBATH to the finnish of the SABBATH day and they wont let me, the way I feel is to just leave my job, this will proberly couse me to lose my marrage and brake up my family, I really except the SABBATH day, and as it’s the 4th camandment of GOD I feel really gilty about having to work it and i do want to be in those numbers when the saints go marching I really do, I know its not GOD’s way but on the SABBATH day I’m constantly preying all through the day I even try to fast I do my best! I do put all my trust in GOD and Crist JESUS, if it means i walk out of my job and lose my famialy, and start again i’ll do that, I’ve preyed and preyed and even left it in GOD’s hands, I need some advice please what should I do, I’m really stressed out.
P.s could you please get back to me.
GOD bless
M Anderson