I am a strong proponent of Creation. I believe …

Comment on WASC considers outside efforts ‘threatening’ to LSU’s autonomy by Frank Haynes.

I am a strong proponent of Creation. I believe it is impossible to be a Christian and deny it since Jesus taught that it was the origing of marriage. I believe that Creation is also the basis for the Sabbath, which is at the heart of being a Seventh-day Adventist.

My concern is for the tone and character of your group. Jesus went to the lost sheep of Israel in order to show them the way to the Father. Jesus also instructed us to love our “enemies” and to pray for those who make our lives difficult. I am sorry to say that I do not see, in the writings of those who participate in this site, a spirit of love, compassion or a desire to bring the lost sheep home. “let him who is without sin” be the one to cast stones. I have no stone in my hand. What is in yours?