@Jorge: Jorge, you are wrong. Jesus mingled with sinners, he …

Comment on The Adventist Accrediting Association is Still Reviewing LSU by Rev14.12.

@Jorge: Jorge, you are wrong. Jesus mingled with sinners, he gained their confidence, and then he healed them of their sins. He told them to go and sin no more. I see no place where Jesus said to embrace sin and continue in a life of sin and rebellion against God the Creator.

If love rises above doctrine and differences and tolerates and accepts, why didn’t God just overlook Adam and Eve’s disobedience and let them stay in the Garden? Why didn’t God overlook the Antedeluvian sins and not bring a flood to the earth? Why did God institute the sanctuary service that caused innocent animals to be killed if things could just be overlooked? Why did Jesus have to die on the cross if things could just be overlooked?

Rev14.12 Also Commented

The Adventist Accrediting Association is Still Reviewing LSU
@Jorge: Jorge, why do you imply that one can only be a loving Christian if they ignore the sin around them and accept everyone and every institution irregardless of what they say or do?

Jesus didn’t do that. He was very forward to rebuke sin and evil, especially in institutional places. The teaching of evolution as the best explanation of our origins by the religion and biology departments [edit] is evil and deserves rebuking.

The Adventist Accrediting Association is Still Reviewing LSU
@Jorge: Jorge, so rules, doctrines and beliefs don’t matter, just love? Is that what I hear you saying?

God Himself gave us the 10 Commandments and told us to follow them, but following them doesn’t really matter, only love? So Jesus died in vain because when Adam and Eve sinned, disobedience to God shouldn’t have mattered, God should have just overlooked it because only love matters. Is that what you are saying?

And God shouldn’t have rejected Cain’s sacrifice, because Cain brought his best right? Obedience shouldn’t have mattered?

What our experience here is based on is one of two choices – obedience or rebellion. Love is directly tied to obedience. “Love” that is not obedient is a lie and directly linked to rebellion.

So what is going on here on Educate Truth is not about love and hate of our brothers and sisters. It’s about truth and error and REBELLION. . There is error going on at LSU in multiple departments. Is that supposed to be overlooked? Should Jesus just have left the money changer alone? Should EGW have ignored the problems at Battle Creek College and let parents send their children there to be taught error? Aren’t we called to counteract error, especially when young people’s faith in God and the church is involved?

Recent Comments by Rev14.12

Transcript of Self-Recorded “LSU-4” Conversation Uploaded to the Riverside Superior Court Website
Do these quotes sound like the language of loyal church members who want to be mentors to our children? Not to me. By their works we know them.

The saddest part of this whole LSU saga is that average church members sit by and let it happen without protest or action. The second saddest thing is the useless administrators who are so concerned about political correctness and appearances that they won’t do anything.

What a pitiful situation we are in. Certainly the world and church conditions declare that Jesus is coming soon. For that we can rejoice. Maranatha!