Concerning legality, ALL educational institutions protect the right of their …

Comment on Video show LSU undermining church doctrine by Courtney.

Concerning legality, ALL educational institutions protect the right of their teachers to control the distribution of class content…to prevent this exact thing–taking snippets and creating theories about it.

The following is an excerpt from the legal opinion as articuated in an article of the Journal of Higher Education:

“Classroom lectures are the product of a professor’s thought and study. They belong solely to him…Any unauthorized recording or use of the materials constitutes a violation of the professor’s copyright at common law and may constitute a form of larceny.

Common law copyrights are recognized in the United States. They are based on the principle that “every man is entitled to the fruits of his own effort, mental as well as physical”…Of course a person may invalidate his common-law interests by assigning [ownership to another entity]. In absence of such alienation, however, he loses his copyright only upon publication. Upon publication, a product becomes part of the public domain unless it is copyrighted according to statutory law.”

If you have permission to post and wish to do so, don’t take down the entire lectures to “edit” them for our convenience…let the entirety of the context speak for itself so people have the benefit of discerning on their own instead of just your pre-selected sound bites.